Personal Narrative: My Life As A Single Mom

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I first became a mother on a very hot day in North Carolina on August 2008, to a 9 lb. 7 oz. girl. We moved to Texas when she was 7 months old and have lived here ever since; except the 6 months we lived in Canada during the winter. It was a great experience living there but it made me very grateful for Texas winters. Flash forward to now and I am a single mother of two strong willed girls one almost 9 and the other recently turned 5. I have been a single mom for almost 3 years now and the job is every bit as gratifying as it is exhausting. It has not been easy or simple, but I love the little family we have made. I have found an incredible source of independence and strength through being a single mom. I decided right after my divorce that I would accept it. This is not what I wanted for myself or my daughters; but this is my reality now. I can’t go back in time and change anything so I am accepting the situation for what it is and moving forward. My own mother was a single mom through part of my …show more content…

Even though it is only 8 days of the month; I cherish that time I can get rest and renewal. Many of us arrive to motherhood in different ways; but no matter how you became a mom the fact remains that motherhood is hard. Whether you are a single mother or not, motherhood can be frustrating and exhausting but it can also be fulfilling and rewarding as well. I read an article the other day called "The one thing you must tell your child" from There were a couple of things that stood out to me when I was reading it. Our children need to hear us say, "I will always love you. Nothing you do will make me stop loving you." "Just like God loves us, we will always love them. God never gives us on us and we will never give up on them." I agree we should tell our children often. They need to be reminded that we love them even when you are angry with

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