Personal Narrative: My Life As A First Generation College Student

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Scholarship Essay
As a first generation college student. Being pressured and having challenges to have a better education has made me strive further to become a better person. Having current goals and dreams makes me want to become a better person and help others. My dream is to be the first one in my family to go to college and graduate. I want to help support my parents when they are older, since they have given me all their support all these years. I want to have a better future to help others.
Being the first person to attend college in my family is an honor. My parents are extremely happy and support my decision. My family’s support is helpful, they want me to have a better education. In my future I will get a decent job and enjoy it, rather than …show more content…

I want to make my family proud of me by facing challenges and feeling pressured to finish school by having good grades, and creating a better life than my parents had. Being the first one to attend college can be stressful because my parents expect a lot form me and do not want me to stop. They expect that I study hard and get good grades. They keep encouraging me to have a better life and become someone. Another dream of mine is to be able to care for my parents later in life. I want to be able to give twice as much back as what my parents gave me. My parents are my joy, love, and happiness. I do now know what I would do without them. I am thankful that my parents are very supportive of my education. They are proud of me for wanting something better for my life. The challenge in my family is the money and bills. I may not have to pay bills now, but I will have to later in my life. I have always wanted to help others, either through education, or some other way and be able to help them. I would really enjoy traveling the world and helping those in need. I would love to be a leader for others, helping and

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