Personal Narrative: My Graduation

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Hi dad, so graduation was so draining. I enjoyed the day I was just super sleepy. My mom got really upset because she missed the second ceremony trying to leave the first one. The second one I guess she felt was really important because I gave a speech and I am the first African American woman to get a bachelors degree at the University of Montana. My auntie Tunisia had to use the bathroom so it made my mom late trying to get my grandparents and TT over to the second ceremony. The good thing is though we made it to the third ceremony and my mom got to sit right behind me. Then we left the ceremony and came to my house. Papa wanted to make sure he had a program cause he was afraid someone was going to steal my programs. So he asked diamond to find out were it was she asked my TT and all hell broke loose. Diamond stormed away from my TT because she said diamond was trying to be messy by asking her about the program. My mom saw it was turning into an argument and said Tunisia let's go ! …show more content…

Then my TT called her out her name and you know I'm standing between them and my mama arms are long so that was hard. Finally got my Mom out the house so she could calm down I walk down stairs to tell my grandparents everybody leaving. I go back upstairs and my TT was going off on diamond and punched her in the face it was crazy. Then I started crying and got my TT out the house. But diamond squared up on her mama I was just

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