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Importance of psychology on health
Importance of psychology on health
Importance of psychology on health
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Years ago, my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. We had known something was going on for a while, but we believed that maybe it was just something small that could be easily fixed. So, when we were sitting in the doctor's office and the doctor came in and told us that the MRI was the final confirmation of my husband having MS, we were both shocked. I've had a lot of bad news in my life, but that one was very hard. I felt guilty, sad, anxious, worried, and depressed, and, I couldn't pull myself out of it for weeks. Then I listened to Dissolve Worry & Anxiety from Hypnosis Live and I instantly felt better. It helped me calm down and shook something in my brain so I could get unstuck from the negative loop I was in. Hypnosis Live …show more content…
There is a story around that time about an old man on his death bed giving his family advice, and it helped me see that my worst fears probably wouldn't come true in regards to my husband. From that point, I was able to listen to the hypnosis session with a wide open mind and allow some new thoughts and beliefs come into my mind. And, at the end of it, I felt more hopeful and alive. It was the biggest relief I've ever felt, which is why I have since always recommend Hypnosis Live to people who want to change their mind to something more positive and feel good. Hypnosis Live Reaches Your Subconscious Mind And Makes Some Big Changes Our beliefs are held in our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind holds the information that allows us to make decisions and do things, like driving,
Beliefs are imprinted in our consciousness that alters our perceptions, attitudes and how we react towards situations and moments of decisions, they perceive our realities. Everyone has a different imprints and perceive their beliefs from their personal experiences. Beliefs dictate how we react to life. Our beliefs can be altered and changed throughout the course of our lifetime
King, B., Nash, M., Spiegel, D., & Jobson, K. (2001). Hypnosis as an intervention in pain management. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 5(2), 97-101.
Hypnosis is derived from the Greek word hypnos, which means sleep ("Hypnotism"). However, the patient does not sleep during hypnosis. It has been described as a therapeutic method, which uses the "technique of inducement of trance, which is a state of semi-conscious relaxation, at the same time maintaining sensory contact with the environment" (Bernik). Hypnosis can produce various levels of perception, increased memory, increased attention and motor functions, and "higher intellectual functions" (Bernik).
When I think about the moments leading up to my diagnosis I remember feeling weak, confused, shaky and sleepy. I did not notice that I had began sleeping throughout the day. My body was craving soft drinks like soda and juice but not food. Days would go by and I eventually fell into a deep slumber that I found myself only waking up from to use the bathroom. I knew something was wrong and that if I did not get to a hospital it would get worse. Nothing could have prepared me for the life changing diagnosis I would receive.
Human beings’ belief systems don’t always work according to evidence. Belief is made up of
All things considered, Hypnotherapy is an effective means of treating clinical depression. Hypnotherapy may help change expectations through supportive guidance. It may also reduce feelings of helplessness by instilling motivation and faith in oneself. It helps people realize their potential by helping them gain self-esteem and confidence. And lastly, it may be used in conjunction with medications and other forms of treatment if needed. After Danielle stays committed to her hypnotherapy appointments she is feeling dramatic change in her life. She has a new sense of confidence, self-efficacy, and resilience. Hypnotherapy is effective in treating clinical depression, changing expectations, countering feelings of helplessness, instilling better coping skills, increasing self-efficacy, and is a great compliment to other forms of treatment.
Individuals retain preconceived beliefs about individuals, places, or objects based on their experiences. By going into an experience, with preconceived beliefs, we prevent acknowledgement and acceptance of reality. For example, individuals tend to avoid foods that those around them do not like, as they perceive the food to taste awful, despite their own experience. While these preconceived beliefs do help alter our perspective, they should not dictate it. We must accept these beliefs, but still be willing to change our perspective as the experience arises. No two individuals retain identical likes, beliefs, and values; every individual should live through their experiences, rather than living with another individual’s
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, directed against the myelin sheath. Leading to demyelination and axonal loss. It’s characterized by spread “plaques” of demielinization typically found in typically found on MRI in the periventricular region, corpus callosum, centrum semiovale and, to a lesser extent, deep white – structures and basal ganglia.(Olek, 2005)
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. It is understood as an autoimmune disease, a condition where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks normal tissues. In Multiple Sclerosis, the patient’s own cells & antibodies attack the fatty myelin sheath that protects and insulates nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord, the two components of the CNS. This ultimately causes damage to the nerve cells and without the insulation the myelin sheath provides, nerve communication is disrupted. Hence, Multiple Sclerosis is characterized by symptoms that reflect central nervous system involvement (Luzzio, 2014).
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complicated chronic deteriorating disease that has an effect on the central nervous system (CNS). This disease causes destruction of the myelin around the nerve fibers. “The exact etiology of Multiple Sclerosis is unknown; however, it is thought to be an immune mediated disease. MS is characterized by CNS inflammation, demyelination, and axonal loss” (Compston & Coles, 2008). Typically, it is described by early relapses and remissions of neurological signs of the CNS. This is known as relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). MS can be identified by a variety of known risk factors. Multiple Sclerosis can be brought on by a mixture of inherited and environmental risk factors such as smoking or an exposure to a virus like Epstein Barr. The inflammatory process has an interesting role on the central nervous system.
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the brain and central nervous system that is potentially disabling. Multiple Sclerosis, commonly called MS, is a disease where the immune system attacks to protective myelin sheaths that cover the nerve fibers, which causes communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body. The disease can cause the nerves themselves to be damaged, either temporarily or, in some cases, permanently. MS is a disease that has the natural tendency to remit spontaneously. MS is an unpredictable disease that is rare and hard to treat as there is currently no cure. However, although there is no cure many of the people who are diagnosed with MS do well with no therapy as there are many medications to help with the
Multiple Sclerosis is a nervous system disease that affects the spinal cord and the brain by damaging the myelin sheaths that protects nerve cells. Destroyed myelin prevents messages from communicating and sending properly from the brain, through the spinal cord, to internal body parts. In the United States, more than 350,000 people are diagnosed with this disease. Anyone can get this disease, but it is more common among Caucasian women. MS symptoms begin between the ages 20-40 and are caused by nerve lesions being present in multiple areas of the Central Nervous System, symptoms differ on the lesion’s location.
Imagine having to wake up each day wondering if that day will be the last time you see or speak to your father. Individuals should really find a way to recognize that nothing in life is guaranteed and that they should live every day like it could be there last. This is the story of my father’s battle with cancer and the toll it took on himself and everyone close to him. My father was very young when he was first diagnosed with cancer. Lately, his current health situation is much different than what it was just a few months ago. Nobody was ready for what was about to happen to my dad, and I was not ready to take on so many new responsibilities at such an adolescent age. I quickly learned to look at life much differently than I had. Your roles change when you have a parent who is sick. You suddenly become the caregiver to them, not the other way around.
In middle school I was diagnosed with a disability with the way I expressed myself through writing. Ever since, I have gained multiple values and learned several lessons about self confidence. I was taught to push past my limits, in order to be successful in reaching my goals along with my dreams. Today I am a senior in high school who was once thought to struggle, but was able to succeed beyond expectations. To some, a disability may seem like a setback from achieving goals, but to me I used it as a challenge for myself. I accepted myself for who I was and looked at my disability as a unique trait of mine. I was able to provide a message to others that anything you set your mind to is possible with dedication and hard work. It might take