Personal Narrative: Lung Cancer

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Believe, faith, stay positive, and never give up. These are the words I live by.
Riding in the passenger’s seat of my dad’s car, I felt my eyes fill with water. Slow, desolate tears began to fall down the sides of my face. “How could this happen?” I question my dad. Looking over at him, I knew that this was serious. “Sometimes people just get sick and no one can explain it,” answers my heartbroken father.
That day was the first time I heard that my mother had gotten lung cancer. In February, a couple months prior, she started off with just a cough. However, I was sick at the same time, so we both thought we had a cold. Although my sickness passed after a couple weeks, my mom’s did not. In April, she finally went to see a doctor, who diagnosed her with lung cancer. Not knowing how severe it actually was, the next step was to take some tests. …show more content…

Thinking this was partly my fault, I felt terrible. If I wasn’t sick, maybe she would’ve gone to the doctors earlier, and they would’ve caught it sooner. Trying to be strong, I bit my tongue. However, once I heard the number four, a little crystal bead escaped from my eye. The feeling of warmth slid down my face, dripping off of my chin. Fighting back more tears, I went over to give her a hug. Her strong embrace broke me. One tear turned into a straight rainfall. In addition, I could no longer breathe. “It’s just a bump in the road. Everything will be all right,” my mom said

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