Personal Narrative: I Believe In Religion

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I believe in mormonism. I know that it is a bit of a cliche to speak about religion, so allow me to elaborate. I believe in the exactness of truth from being mormon and the power of prayer. I believe in the bonds of love and friendships I have created by being mormon. I was raised in a moron family where my dad was born into it and my mom was a convert, who converted when I turned one. I was taught standards of the gospel and grew up with the words of the prophets that I strictly keep to this day. There are many things that I wish to say, however, I do not want to confuse or drone on about the aspects of my religion. So, I will only speak of some of the most important points in my life that have allowed me to hold firm to my faith. When I was fourteen an aunt that I was very close to was diagnosed with brain cancer. The feeling of hopelessness was overwhelming. Her condition was getting worse by the day and it was not long before she passed away. I was so depressed at the loss of my aunt until my mom reminded me that as a family we were all sealed at the temple …show more content…

Mormons believe every prayer should be unique because it is a connection to God. A way for us to speak to him directly and for them to hopefully be answered. Well, one year at girls camp, a camp mormon girls can go to between the ages of twelve to eighteen, there was a large thunderstorm on the way. This storm would have passed directly over our camp and would have probably done a lot of damage to the equipment that we had. However, the camp leaders gathered all of the girls into the mess hall and had a prayer. This prayer calmed everyone’s nerves and a sense of peace and comfort filled the room. As we watched the leader’s phone the storm split into two, went around the entirety of our camp, then reformed after it went around our camp. If that event did not show me the power of connection through prayer by being mormon I do not know what else ever

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