Personal Narrative Analysis

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A hundred years previous to current day, the time idealization of ‘20th century’ for example, was scrapped for the idea of precise date. Since the earth is 4,543,000,440 years old in total, so that is the year we use. The human race also had gone so far as to colonize all planets within our reach. As such, we have changed areas such as mercury to habilitate Human life. The biosphere is the prize of the age, used to keep inhabitants of mercury from burning themselves to a crisp. Several years previous, the galaxy was thrown into turmoil in the war of two-twelve. All colonized planes were affected in varying strengths. Earth was the second-most affected, being the base of the Frontierists. Kepler 30-c, renamed Kesler, was the base of the losing team, the Kourou. It is Mc-year 74,708,867,278, a Sunday-light year, on an early morning of the 12, 128 E-years later.

Sunday 12th, Mc-year …show more content…

The inside was infinitely more pretty, and shocked me to my core. However, that was not what gave me such a scare. There were old, rotted skeletons in each pew, all positioned as if praying. They were obviously moved since some sat atop rubble, clinging to a carving of Jesus on the wall. I walked down the center, admiring each, but being very careful to avoid any live ones. There weren’t any, but better paranoid than right. When I reached the altar, there were two skeletons, and one human, hanging unconscious from a chain on the ceiling. The skeletons were positioned as if ready to catch them, should they fall. The human was a man, and he was clad in robes you might see in a picture of Jesus, and had some cargo pants. I had nothing to cut him down with, plus it’d be 2.6 times as heavy as I was used to. Nevertheless, I lugged over a fallen pole. It took a full hour to pull it over and put it up at an angle as to which I could clamber up it. Thankfully, the pole was close-by. It woulda been a nightmare to get one from the

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