Personal Narrative Analysis

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For every species there comes a time where we feel like we need interaction with each other, isolation is not something that we as mammals have programed in our brains. We desire love, acceptance and interaction; the kind that brings us all together. We form groups depending on who we are, some can be like humans coming together to bring happiness to each other (Slide 13) or some can be just simply a large group like how penguins flock together (Slide 12) either way we tend to migrate toward each other. Loneliness is something that no one is prepared for, and for me it came at a time when I was still learning who I was in life. I had just moved from Dallas to Keller, Texas and I knew no one there. I felt like I was the outsider, like I was locked in a glass cage so everyone could stare at me (Slide 1, 7, 20) and no one made it any easier for me. I didn’t know where to go to eat lunch, I didn’t know where to sit in a class and most of all I didn’t know where a good place to hide was. I was alone in everything that I did. The day I moved was one of the saddest days for me, I had people I knew since I was in elementary with me every day so I felt like I knew my place, like I could lead the way and know that I wasn’t …show more content…

Most of that year went by without me talking to any one so I eventually gave up trying to talk to people, until I went to tutoring for that same math class, my teacher told us that any seat would be fine so I took the one furthest to the back and closest to the window so I could look out at the row of buildings and houses nearby (Slide 6) it was all icy for a February day. I can’t remember what the senor was in there for but he wasn’t there for math, he looked over to me and started to laugh then walked over and sat

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