Personal Journal: Homeless Families

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Journal #1 What issues related to families am I interested in? Why are these areas of interest to me? I am interested in learning about homelessness, foster care, education for children and child abuse or neglect. Specifically for homelessness, you constantly hear about it being an issue in the news, but others don’t think this happens every day in our community and I believe I could make a great capstone project centered around helping the homeless that would benefit those living around us. On the other hand, I recently got into watching the Fosters, ABC family tv show, and I am just curious in learning more about how the foster care system works, including the process of how a child moves through the system and how to become a foster …show more content…

-A family can be defined as people who have a blood or legal connection, provide security, support emotional and physical need and they typically live together. How has the family changed in modern times? - The chosen roles in a family has changed with gender, for example, it's normal if dads are taking on more household work like cooking and cleaning and women will work full time. Also, today the number of children has gone down to about 2 or 3 children per family. Another change is that divorce seem more common to older generations. The most dramatic change is marriage can now consist of two moms or two dads. Is the family life cycle still applicable to the modern family? -No, life can have unexpected changes that disturb the cycle. Certain changes can cause you to be in either two stages at once or it is possible to skip stages or jump from one stage to another with no particular order. An example would be, if you get married and have kids then all of a sudden you get a divorce, you're now in the parent stage and possibly in the beginning stage if you re-marry. What role does culture/ethnicity play in working with families today? (what do we need to be aware of, what issues can it create, how does it impact the work we do, …show more content…

#9 Lily’s Story What is your initial reaction to this piece? It’s frustrating that the judge felt Lauren was overreacting about Jeffery’s girlfriend abusing Lily. All the evidence showed this was happening and still nothing was done. Apparently Jeffery had no knowledge of the abuse because he worked too much and was always away from home. I am wondering why Jeffery needed more custody even if he was always working. Renee did an awful crime and I’m glad she was sentenced to life in prison without parole. However, she was caught too late because Lily died and this potentially could have been prevented if the judge payed more attention to the evidence. What are you thoughts on the CPS system we currently have? Some obvious changes need to be made. I am positive that there is more cases like this and it scares me that they could have potentially could have been prevented if the system didn't “throw away” so many cases. I know it would be hard to look at every case but in Lily case they should have taken in consideration the pictures and journals. One

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