Personal Beliefs

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I can identify with this week’s post. I do not consider myself a Democrat or a Republican. I try to identify with the individual, not the party. I do not think that any political party has had any influence on my belief system. That being said, I realize that society, my friends, my family and my religious beliefs have definitely had an impact on my decision-making process. I will say that if a politician held my beliefs then I would be more apt to deal with that political party. I am very for military power in the United States and as a dominate industry in the world in order to ensure that the American public is safe. I think that we need to always let the rest of the world know that we are the dominate force. Due to this I am more apt to vote for a president that is pro-military than I am to vote for someone who wants to downsize the military. When it comes down to who I do or don’t support, well I must say that this is a difficult question. I base many things on my personal belief, not my affiliation with a certain party. Sometimes this can have a detrimental impact on my thought process based on the party member. There are times when I believe in fifty percent on one parties …show more content…

My time in the military has had a definite impact on how I view things in the world. Once you have deployed and seen the chaos that ensues for American soldiers and the civilian population that you are dealing with, it will have a direct impact on how you perceive the world. I was a much different person when I was younger and yes a little bit naïve about the world. Once I saw death, destruction, lack of humanity and the total disregard for human life, it had a profound impact on my decision making process and my

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