Our Coke to Their Pepsi: The Real Difference Between America and France
What is the essence of the American spirit? The answer is as the framers of the Constitution said, the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Try to understand that much like one of our pop-culture symbols Coca-Cola, this little mantra represents everything we as Americans stand for, that something small can become an icon that shows that anyone can make an impact on society. Now to describe our friends across the sea, they could be called Pepsi, inspired by the original product and to us inferior. In reality “Pepsi” was not affiliated with the French but this mantra was, Liberté, égalité, fraternité or in English, liberty, equality, and brotherhood. although
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formed with by two different revolutions, the nationalistic values they project are very similar. Very similar to our “god given rights”, the French genius John Locke thought alike and inspired the future of France. After hearing of the success of the Yankees across the sea, the Third Estate of France started making headway when they made an oath to stay united until a written political framework was put in place.
Following in suit of the U.S, the people of France started to show nationalism even when their revolution was still developing. To stand by a rag-tag group of rebels even when there's uncertainty for success, in my mind that shows true nationalism. In the backgrounds of both of our, as the French would say, glorious revolutions, religion had been a hot topic. Religion was a huge way that people showed who they were. Particularly after 1789 in France, people wanted to have separation between the church and state. The French wanted to put old traditions behind them and express their nationalism with the creation of new traditions. Unfortunately unlike America, this stood strong until a man named Robespierre decided to create a new bizarre universal religion called the “Cult of the Supreme Being” that completely went against the values of this new incarnation of France. Aside from religion, this evolved France was imagined as having a new order in which everyone naturally loved and cared for one another but this included completely abolishing the old French ways. This path was one that our country was better off not taking. Now this may not seem to directly relate to nationalism but in fact, the setup of a
society directly influences the way that people express their nationalism. Thomas Jefferson stated that although the people may not be equal in social class or race, they all have the same legal rights and possession to pursue their dreams and interests without government intervention. This in turn gives every person in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, the ability to express who they are and what this great country means to them. That is something that cannot be taken away. To show contrast, the French did not just want a bill declaring their rights but they also wanted a complete overthrow of the old social order. The French wanted all power to go to the people. Although not as radical as the previously stated French ideal, the Americans wanted to preserve and recognize the old social order and along with that, express feelings about this great country by remembering the past. Although the intentions of these two great countries were different, are the ways we express nationalism that different? We use pageantry and grand celebration to show who we are and really defines what nationalism is, expression.
This essay is an analysis of two advertising posters, one of being a modern piece of media, the other being aimed at the previous generation. I will be reviewing posters from Coca Cola and Benetton, the latter being the modern piece of media in this comparison.
“Nationalism(n.) - loyalty or devotion to a nation, especially an attitude, feeling, or belief characterize by a sense of national consciousness” (The War of 1812 and the Rise of Nationalism 1). Nationalism was a crucial part of America’s success during the War of 1812; nationalism was reflected in the post-war period through increased national pride, emphasis on national issues, increase in power and scope of the national government, and a growing sense of American identity (The War of 1812 and the Rise of Nationalism 1). The first to arise which was the driving force behind American victories against the British was nationalism. This nationalism was expressed in four ways; patriotism, political, economical and cultural. American patriotism
Germany. Nationalism is a complex concept that can be viewed as both a unifying and a disunifying force, depending on one's perspective and background knowledge. On one hand, it can bring people together who share a common bond based on a single "nationality" or ancestry. Those who view nationalism as a unifying force often reject loyalty to a monarch, instead choosing to remain loyal to their fellow citizens. On the other hand, some people see nationalism as a disunifying force because it can disrupt efforts to restore the old order before the French Revolution.
Nationalism is a type of ism, which is associated with the French and German. It all started in the later 19th century. The people were starting to become more aware of the heritage and identities as being part of a nation. Stravinsky is a composer of nationalism. In following the genre he composed folk songs based on national understanding and pride.
Nationalism is a devotion and loyalty to one’s own nation, with primary emphasis on furthering its interests as opposed to those of other countries. This feeling widely spread throughout Europe during the 19th and 10th centuries and caused many problems. The Slavic people of Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted to break away from Austria-Hungary and unify with other Slavic nations. Russia as a Slavic nation backed up the two countries in this matter, therefore causing tensions between Austria-Hungary and itself. Nationalism was also a source of anger between France and Germany as France resented its defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871).
Nationalism creates a sense of identity among individuals and countries. As citizens unite with a common desire, the pride created can topple even the most controlling of regimes. During the French revolution in the late 1700’s, French nationalism rose to an all time high. Unfortunately the death and destruction was an irrefutable consequences. During the late 1700’s the biggest events that happen to allow the French revolution to build are the storming of Bastille, creation of the national assembly, execution of monarchy, and the reign of terror.
Nationalism has a long history although most scholarly research on Nationalism only began in the mid-twentieth century. Some scholars point to the French Revolution of 1789 as the birth of Nationalism. The French Revolution is seen...
Nationalism is a way of thinking both politically and socially to create a community united by history, ethnicity, religions, common culture, and language. Numerous effects occurred while establishing a Nationalist community, some effects were a long term impact on Nationalism, and other were short term impacts on Nationalism. Bloody Sunday was a big impact of Nationalism, what started out as a peaceful march of Petersburg workers marching to the Winter Palace led by Father Gapon turned out to be a nightmare. The marchers wanted to establish an eight hour work day, establish minimum wage, and assemble a constitution, while the marchers marched they were fired upon by Russian troops and several hundred marchers were killed.
Coke vs Pepsi Fighting for Foreign Markets Introduction The soft-drink battleground has now turned toward new overseas markets. While once the United States, Australia, Japan, and Western Europe were the dominant soft-drink markets, the growth has slowed down dramatically, but they are still important markets for Coca-Cola and Pepsi. However, Eastern Europe, Mexico, China, Saudi Arabia, and India have become the new "hot spots. " Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi are forming joint bottling ventures in these nations and in other areas where they see growth potential.
During the 18th Century, anger against the French king, King Louis XVI, turned into a very violent revolution, as the French people attempted to defend their country against anyone who they saw as being for the king and against the revolution. This idea of nationalism would spread across all of Europe, and would eventually lead to the idea that each nationality should have its own nation. The modern idea of a nation-state is based on many arguments. Some examples are that a nation-state should consist of people with a common nationality, and the people should be willing to protect the state. A nation state also needs a strong economy to function properly.
Nationalism has played a crucial role in world history over the past centuries. It continues to do so today. For many, nationalism is indelibly associated with some of the worst aspects of modern history, such as the destructive confidence of the Napoleon’s army and the murderous pride of Nazi Germany. Large numbers of people, descent in their hearts, have carried out unbelievable atrocities for no better reason than their nation required them to. Authoritarian and totalitarian regime have crushed dissent, eliminated opposition, and trampled on civil liberties in the name of the nation.
Pepsi Ultimate Taste Challenge 2012: Social Enough? Pepsi was created and developed in 1893 by Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. It was originally called Brad’s Drink, but in 1898 the drink’s name was changed to Pepsi-Cola. Ultimately, in 1961 it was called Pepsi.
COLA WARS Introduction Nice play is a rare word to be found in closest rival competitor companies. Since time in memorial brutal wars have been going on in form of comparative advertisement, these advertisements focuses on comparing the competitors others companies products with their products as well as looking at what the competitor is doing wrong in order to use that as a strength. In most cases the competitor company fires back or in rare cases ignore the rival competitor’s adverts, of such cases is that of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola which its history can be traced back in 1970's. The war intensified from the beginning of year 1980 all the way through to the present, there has existed advertising wars between Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola Company (Russell, 2012).
Nationalism is the idea that a people who have much in common, such as language, culture and geographic proximity ought to organize in such a way that it creates a stable and enduring state. Nationalism is tied to patriotism, and it is the driving force behind the identity of a culture. Nationalism had many effects in Europe from 1815, The Congress of Vienna and beyond. In the following essay I will describe many of the consequences of nationalism on European identity, as well as some of the conflicts that it created.
Pepsi and Coca-Cola are both sodas, but they differ in terms of the satisfying flavors, the color and the graphic design that represents their two products, and then how Coke makes more money than Pepsi. With that said, you should have gotten the ideology of what we will go further in discussing about. Everybody loves these two very well-known sodas which can inject caffeine into you, which makes you all jittery in filling you up with an energetic energy. Alright, enough of this, let's go straight in-depth in talking about the two rivals throughout this paper of how Pepsi beats Coke in sales, but Coke is usually ahead when it comes to annual net income (Feigin) or how Pepsi is a sweeter brand compared to Coke, though Coke brand is more valuable