People Should Be Prosecuted For Cyberbullying

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Individuals should be prosecuted for statements made on social media. One in three teens admitted to being the victim in cyberbullying. Individuals are physically and mentally injured when it comes to reading hateful comments on the internet that everyone has full access to. Cyberbullying can target anyone at anytime, right now at this very second, somebody is on the computer trying to make someone feel like they are nothing, and that should not be tolerated. “Cyberbullying can also lead kids to getting physically injured.”(The Dangers of Cyberbullying).Every 7 minutes a child is physically injured and dies within that very small amount of time. The thought that, the amount of time you use to take a shower, is enough time for a bully, caused through social media, to strike into action and kill the target. September 25, 2009 psychologist Eden Foster proposed a bill relating to cyberbullying and physical injuries. “This bill ensures that someone is held accountable for the behavior that led to someone getting hurt.” Showing such intolerable behavior should lead to a bigger punishment than just no more television time or no …show more content…

Suicide is the No. 3 killer of teens in the US” (Cyberbully Hotline). That number is too big to mean such a horrible thing. Cyberbullying is in fact known to give individuals headaches, health problems, lack of focus in school, and worst of all heartache. Nobody should have the right to say hurtful comments repeatedly that drives the target insane which later on leads to suicide. How horrible is it for the bully in court to say “My words cost someone their whole life.” The worst 7 words anyone can

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