Paulo Freire's Theory Of Emancipatory Education

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Education is about in-parting knowledge based on one’s belief, truth and justification with the purpose of surviving in this changing world. Highly educated people are well recognized and given high reputation in the society. Hence, teaching is a process of sharing information between the teacher and students in a positive, caring, changing and stress free environment where new knowledge must be constructed and tested through student – teacher interaction using different strategies so that children could master knowledge and skills of desired fields including values, ethics, and other social knowledge. To fulfill this purpose, teachers should be active, forward thinking, energetic, knowledgeable, sincere and punctual for changing one’s truth, belief and justification. To satisfy these educational needs, learning should be a fun mechanism for students in which they enjoy by responding, interacting, …show more content…

It is the concept of emancipatory education and a lens through which to understand systems of oppression in order to transform them. According to his opinion, they need no deposits of information (banking system of education) nor do they need leftist propaganda to convince them of their problems. He added that what’s required to transform the world is dialogue, critical questioning, love for humanity and praxis, the synthesis of critical reflection and action. In short, we can conclude it is a practice of freedom, which contrasts with education as a practice of domination. He also introduced problem-posing education. Unfortunately, many progressive movements today are still trapped in the banking system of education, seeing the public as a passive receptacle of their information. According Freire transforming the world requires flipping this model and replacing it with ground –up practices of emancipatory education, organizing and

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