Paul Hawken Natural Capitalism

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All human activity, primarily business character, have environmental effects. The economic sector should recognize environmental management as one of its highest priorities. It is not possible to have an economy or a healthy society in a world with so much poverty and environmental degradation. Economic development can not stop, but need to change course to become less destructive. The political and business operations can play an important role in reducing the impact on the use of environmental resources through more efficient production processes, preventive strategies, cleaner technologies and production procedures throughout the life cycle of a product . Competitiveness also requires industries and trade the adequacy of …show more content…

It applies the solid capitalist principles not only the financial and manufacturing capital but also two further important forms of capital, people and nature, without which there is no life neither therefore economic activity. Industrial capitalism is a temporary aberration, not because capitalism, but because it defies its own logic to destroy your greatest source of capital. That source is the natural capital that provides ecosystem services such as power cycles, climatic stability, atmospheric composition and biological productivity. According to Paul Hawken (1999) “in all respects, Natural Capitalism is about integration and restoration, a systems view of our society and its relationship to the environment, that defies categorization into …show more content…

Natural capitalism can be considered an extension of the economic notion of capital, manufactured means of production, but focused solely on environmental goods and services. It is a systemic vision of our society and its relationship with the natural environment, attempts to show the way to a new way of living. It is a model called win-win for everyone, where people must reintegrate the economic world and where the natural capital must be restored. Overcoming the inequality of income and material well-being on a global level are dependent on the economic and environmental sustainability that natural capitalism can

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