Patient With Panic Disorder and Identity Problem

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Rob wants to confront his mother who never embraced him as a child. Willing to talk about his past in order to move on with his life.

5-Axis Diagnosis

Rob shows a pattern of the following disorders: panic disorder: he has palpitations of the heart, sweeting and fear of losing control or going crazy. Dysthymic disorder: insomnia, overeating, low self-esteem, difficulty making decisions and feelings hopelessness. Identify Problems: Rob patterns fit the syndrome of identity problem. He is uncertain about friendship patterns, sexual orientation and behavior, moral and religious values and group loyalties. Adjustment Disorder: nervousness, worry and fear of separation from his Navy officer, who is a key figure in his life. He also has symptoms of physical complaints (headaches) and social withdrawal. The final axis, Axis V is used to report Rob’s overall functioning.

Axis I. Clinical disorders: other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention.

Axis II. Personality disorders; mental retardation.

Axis lll. General medical conditions.

Axis IV. Psychosocial and environmental problems.

Axis V. Global assessment of functioning.

The major symptoms that stood out were the client’s anxiety and depressions (Axis l disorders. The primary consideration for a differential diagnosis is this case is an adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depression mood, panic disorder without agoraphobia, or a dysthymic disorder. In the clinical interview some other conditions were revealed which included the client’s foster-parent relational problem, partner relational problem, and identity. (Corey 2013).

In terms of Axis ll, the client had dependence on his Navy official. He had prominent maladaptive personality features relating ...

... middle of paper ... would be the best mean to work toward the bringing the uncounous to the councious. Maintaining the analytic framework is the first of the 6 key types of therapy that will be used in this case. Consistency is important; therefore session starting on time and ending on time is important. By using Free Association I will help maintain the analytic framework. In free association, clients are expected to say wherever come to mind, regardless of how painful, silly or trivial it may seem. The client will flow with any initial feelings or thoughts. The aim is that free association will open doors to unconscious wishes, fantasies, conflicts and motivations. (Corey 2013). Being awareness that not only is the language important but the things that the client do not talk about is relevant. Listening to the client’s feelings is better than cutting them off. (Summers 2012).

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