Patch Adams: Hero

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The movie Patch Adams is the story of a man who overcomes obstacles in his life to become a doctor. Unlike most people in his profession, Patch desires to connect with patients on a personal level and to make them happier. Through his help, these people’s lives were changed in a positive way. He put his patents first, unlike other doctors who cared only about strict rules and their salaries. Patch was the ideal Christian doctor who lived his life as Jesus would.
Patch Adams focuses largely on making people’s lives better. When Hunter stayed at the mental hospital, he is given the nickname “Patch” by Arthur Mendelson when he patches a leaky cup. However, this nickname has underlying meaning. Patch was constantly trying to make others happy and more comfortable in the situation they were in, all while accepting their faults and disregarding their social standing. He fulfills their dreams, and gives them hope, unlike any of the other doctors. As Christians, we are called to follow this example. In Romans 12:10-11 it says, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yo...

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