Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease, meaning that it slowly progresses as the brain’s cells lose function or structure (National Parkinson Foundation [NPF], 2014). Parkinson’s disease is a condition affecting movement, also known as a movement disorder (National Library of Medicine [NLM], 2014). Parkinson’s involves the failure and death of the neurons in the brain that control movement and coordination. The neurons that are primarily affected are the substania nigra, which work to release the chemical, dopamine, and to maintain balance and movement (Parkinson’s Disease Foundation [PDF], 2014). There are four main symptoms of PD; tremor or muscle contraction in the extremities or in the face region, including
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(NPF, 2014). One million people in the world currently suffer from PD (NPF, 2014). Out of all adults age 60 or older, one to two percent currently has this condition (NPF, 2014). People become more prone to obtain this disease as they age. A family history of PD is present in most cases. If there are more than three people affected in a family, specifically if is identified before age 50, researchers believe that a genetic factor may be present (National Human Genome Research Institute [NHGRI], 2014). This gene will make family members more likely to develop the condition (NHGRI, …show more content…
Oxidative stress has been identified as one risk factor that could initiate and/or simulate deterioration of the neurons in the brain (Prasad, Cole & Kumar, 1999). Therefore, taking antioxidants could counteract or slow the progression of the disease (Prasad, Cole & Kumar, 1999). Taking multiple antioxidants, at proper doses, is crucial because multiple types of free radicals can be constructed from each different antioxidant (Prasad, Cole, & Kumar, 1999). Since L-dopa produces free radicals, the grouping of L-dopa with elevated quantities of antioxidants may increase the effectiveness of L-dopa therapy (Prasad, Cole, & Kumar, 1999). Other than this study done by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, there are no other methods known to prevent
...ll understood simply because of the numerous genetic and environmental factors possible in causing any part of PDB, either by over stimulating osteoclast precursors, genetic mutations, producing transduction pathways that would otherwise not be present or even signals misfiring or over active parathyroid gland. Much more isolated research is necessary before this disease can be fully understood.
"Parkinson Disease." Genetics Home Reference. Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, n.d. Web. May 2012. .
Unfortunately, no treatment has been able to fully cure the disease. Treatment began primitively, consisting of things such as “bloodletting from the neck” which was followed by induced inflammation and blistering to the skin. Today, the most common and effective way of treating Parkinson’s temporarily is through attempting to balance dopamine and acetylcholine levels within the brain by prescribing patients with what is known on the market commonly as Levodopa. It is essentially a dopamine supplement of which’s dosage must be individualized for each different patient since the symptoms vary from person to person (Goldmann, 44). This treatment will eventually become less and less effective as the progression of the disease continues. All that patients and neurologists seem to be able to do is attempt to manage the symptoms it
People who have been diagnosed with this lifelong disease have either started to see the early signs and symptoms or have yet to recognize them. The negative impact that fatigue, loss of muscle strength and in-coordination has on the patients with Parkinson’s disease can be improved with a well-balanced exercise regimen. The three most common physical symptoms the patient will experience are tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia. “Tremors while at rest are the most common initial symptom and are present in around 70 percent of cases at disease onset. It often presents as a pill rolli...
With more than 200,000 US cases per year, Parkinson’s disease has become a major part
There is not a reason known as to why a person contracts Parkinson’s disease. There is no mystery as to what causes it, but when it comes to a cure and why it happens, that is the real mystery that medical experts have been trying to discover for years. When it comes down to some cases, Parkinson’s disease is genetically linked to a past relative. Other than the genetically inherited cases, no one knows why Parkinson’s disease strikes the people it does. When a person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, they will find that as the condition progresses, they lose control of their body more and more every day.
Parkinson's is an idiopathic, multifactorial neurodegenerative disease that attacks neurotransmitters in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine is concentrated in a specific area of the brain called the substantia nigra. The neurotransmitter dopamine is a chemical that regulates muscle movement and emotion. Dopamine is responsible for relaying messages between the substantia nigra and other parts of the brain to control body movement. The death of these neurotransmitters affects the central nervous system. The most common symptoms are movement related, including shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with posture. Behavioral problems may arise as the disease progresses. Due to the loss of dopamine, Parkinson's patients will often experience depression and some compulsive behavior. In advanced stages of the disease dementia will sometimes occur. The implications of the disease on the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory and phonatory systems significantly control speech.
Nurse’s play a very important role in the delivery of care to an older person and in complex disease such as Parkinson’s disease, the care provided by a nurse is vital for both the patient and the family of the affected person. The aim of this essay is to understand briefly about Parkinson’s disease and associated issues and the role of the nurse in the management of the condition.
...t one has it. Many scientists hypothesize that there is an inflammatory response in the brain when there is an extensive B-42 amassing. To slow or stop this, scientists theorize that the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, could delay the swelling in the brain. Also, as scientists have known that taking a multi-vitamin tablet each day is good for you, there has been recent research demonstrating that the use of antioxidants may protect neurons, not just the immune system and keeping the body healthy by providing vitamins and minerals. These special supplements protect the neurons from the effects of the accruing B-Amyloid that would likely cause the plaque that causes AD.
Most signs and symptoms of Parkinson disease correspond to one of three motor deficiencies: bradykinesia, akinesia, tremor, and rigidity. The first two qualities are usually present before tremor, but often attributed to aging by the patient and even the physician, and thus the disease is rarely diagnosed until tremor becomes evident much later. An average of 80% of the nigrostriatal neurons may have already degenerated by the time Parkinsonism is diagnosed, which complicates treatment (Fitzgerald, 130). Bra...
Since the gene for HD is dominant, there is a 50% chance of a sufferer's
The path physiology of Parkinson’s disease is the pathogenesis if Parkinson disease is unknown. Epidemiologic data suggest genetic, viral, and environmental toxins as possible causes. Nigral and basal loss of neurons with depletion of dopamine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, is the principal biochemical alteration in Parkinson disease. Symptoms in basal ganglia disorders result from an imbalance of dopaminergic (inhibitory) and cholinergic (excitatory) activity in the caudate and putamen of the basal ganglia.
Parkinson's Disease has caused problems for many people in this world and plagued the elderly all over the world.Parkinson's disease still puzzles doctors and the causes are unknown. It is known that it is a non-communicable disease and may even be hereditary. Parkinson's disease is thought to be caused by external factors. Most of the cases of this disease are caused by progressive deterioration of the nerve cells, which control muscle movement. Dopamine, one of the substances used in the brain to transmit impulses, is produced in the area of deterioration.
The average age of diagnostic of PD is 62. Any person diagnosed before 50 is considered to have Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease. This type of patients, have a slower disease progression and because their brains are younger, they are more likely to respond to treatment due to their neuroplasticity.
Parkinson disease is a neurological disease that causes tremors in the extremities, gait disturbances and a mask face, which makes activities of daily life difficult often leading to residency in a long-term care facility. The disease was named after an English surgeon whom wrote an essay in 1817 on Shaking Palsy a condition that was later termed Parkinson disease by Jean-Martin Charlot, a French neurologist. Often Parkinson disease involves other symptoms in addition to motor issues such as emotional imbalance, difficulty speaking, dementia and GI problems. Parkinson disease symptoms typically start slowly and get progressively worse as the disease develops. Most patients are diagnosed with Parkinson disease around age 60 however symptoms may start early in life and is referred to as juvenile-onset Parkinson disease.