Paradise Lost Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Mathew Pagan

P. 4


Paradise Lost Annotated Bibliography

Henry Mory III, “Paradise Lost”, The Institute For Creation Research, 2013
Mory breaks down Satan through three parts. He states that Satan is present in Paradise, as The Serpent, and then when Paradise is Lost. It state how Satan also affected Adam and Eve in the Garden. Mory also writes how Satan caused Adam and Eve to commit mortal Sin. He also says how Satans mocks God over the apple.

Kent Lehnhof, Scatology and the Sacred in Milton's Paradise Lost, Chapman University, 2007

In Lehnhof’s summary he states how Satan grew envious of God’s power. Due to his attempt of overthrowing God he is cast out of heaven along with his league of fallen angels. As well how although Satan …show more content…

At times he becomes torn with conflicting emotions. His inner debates and self-criticism reveal him as a dynamic being. Satan flows through his heroic story, allowing himself to be the anti-hero the story. The authors believes that Satan is created as “an example of the self deception and the deception of others which are incident to the surrender of reason to passion.”
Christopher Murphy, Construction and Rhetoric: A Study of Satan in Paradise Lost, A Journal of Undergraduate Literary Criticism and Creative Research, 2012
The author in this paper analyzes Satan’s character through multiple ways. He analyzes the poem in a explicit narrative form and then on a more subtle, literary context form. He borrows from Barbara Lewalski’s, Paradise Lost and the Rhetoric of Literary Forms, different characteristics on Satan. Therefore he says that the poem creates Satan, through the construction of an ongoing topic of investigation for the reader. It is not so much Milton rhetorically informing the

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