Parable of the Sower, Dystopia, and Greed

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A dystopian novel is meant to highlight the current problem in a society. It is meant to be a call for action from the people reading the novel. The author of the novel wants people to stop the problem before it gets out of hand. Parable of the Sower is one of these novels. Parable of the Sower is a 1993 novel written by Octavia E. Butler. It is set in a dystopian California where there aren’t a lot of jobs and the government is almost nonexistent. This novel follows the main protagonist Lauren Olamina through a couple of years of her life. She struggles with hyperempathy syndrome which cause her to actually feel others pain and pleasure. Lauren lives in a fenced off community where they are mostly separated from the violence of the outside world. She was living relatively well until bad things started happening.These bad things include her brother being murdered in a horrible gruesome way and her father going missing and never found. She is forced to leave because the community is burned down by drug crazed maniacs and the rest of her family and many people in her community are killed. Lauren then starts to travel north to set up her own community for her religion Earthseed, a religion based on change, and along the way she picks up survivors. This book is trying to highlight a problem that was prevalent during the time the book was written. In the Parable of the Sower, Butler is showing that greed is the cause of the dystopia. She is saying that in her time people are becoming more greedy and if we do not change our ways this future where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer until almost everyone is unemployed and homeless will come into fruition.
One part in the novel that shows that Butler believes the cause of this ...

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...fe and how she had to live. She wasn’t her own person she was property of the company. The company would make the people become slaves because they owed money to the company. If they tried to leave or stopped working the would be jailed and given back to the company. Even the police aren’t any help. They will not do their job and take all the things you have. If they think you can be sold off easily they will arrest you and sell you to the highest bidder. This is a world that Butler doesn't want to happen. She highlights the greed in people and shows what would happen if this keeps on happening. The only way to stop this dystopia from becoming a reality is to stop the companies from taking advantage of people and for people to just to think about others and not just what they want. If this happen this dystopia will never happen and people will live in a better world.

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