Palliative Care Conversation Analysis

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After taking this palliative care class, my views on this valuable topic greatly increased, expanding my nursing practice to better serve my patients. Palliative care service serve as such an underutilized resource to patients. Palliative care holistically cares for the patients by attempting to relieve suffering and promote comfort for patients by addressing their physical, psychosocial, and spiritual symptoms and needs. This is accomplished by emphasizing a large focus on working prophylactically to prevent and treat symptoms of those with terminal or serious, life-threatening illnesses. In addition, palliative care strives to have those difficult conversations with patients on end-of-life care and wishes to align plans of care with the patient’s …show more content…

These conversations allow us as healthcare professionals to align patients’ goals of cares involving decisions on quality of life versus quantity of life and plan medical interventions accordingly based on their medical preferences. I believe far too often it is a conversation that is put off by patients, families, and health care providers alike until it is a “better” time or when it is dire to have the conversation as death proves to be imminent for the patient. A survey from the Conversation Project reported that 90% of people surveyed think that talking with their loved ones about end-of-life-care is important, yet only 27% of them have actually done it (“The Conversation Project”, 2018, p. 2). This goes to show how much room for improvement there is for us to advocate for our patients and explain the importance of having advanced directives. The lack of patients actually having advanced directives filed and documented may be partially to blame on providers being caught up in the other time-consuming tasks, hoping another provider addresses this problem, or just a general lack of knowledge on how to initiate such a difficult conversation, especially with a relatively healthy individual where death seems far off. A shift in the paradigm needs to occur where end-of-life care preference discussion occur …show more content…

This course provided me with numerous valuable resources to aid me to serve as an advocate for my patients by initiating valuable end-of-life-conversations with my future patients, such as the Five Wishes or the Conversation Project. The Conversation Project serves as one valuable resource that served as a guide to lead patients through initiating end-of-life preference conversations, allowing patient to understand how to appoint a health care proxy and assist patients through the required legal documents. The Five Wishes is a living will that allows a person to discuss personal and spiritual desires for end-of-life care as well as his or her medical wishes. I believe it is important to adapt this holistic approach to my own practice when caring for patients, keeping in mind that I am treating more than a disease, but rather a person with psychosocial and spiritual needs that also need to be

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