PTSD and Hurricane Katrina

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In times of emergency, life and death, and tragic despair, people often are reminded of the umbrella of stress that hangs over us. With such a world people live in today, at times its common to be caught up in the minor details of life; rather than enjoying the beauty of it all. Almost everyday, we live in a sheltered life, hidden away in our communities, just trying to skate by. But there are sometimes moments that occur in a lifetime, where that sheltered routine, that is so ingrained in our minds, is taken upon differently. August 29, 2005, day one of hurricane Katrina; this date, is one that is permanently ingrained in thousands of citizens of New Orleans. On this day, people have seen family members drown, houses destroyed, as well as the memories of such a beautiful city float by them. Because of this one day, that umbrella of stress hanging over these people is present for a life time. The enormous amount of stress that hurricane Katrina victims have gone through have not only resulted in physical health issues, but a psychological sickness no other than post-traumatic stress disorder. But who is to blame for such an event? Some might say it is just natures course, but this blame should be put on no one other than the United States government. Due to the poorly planned evacuation process of the United States government, as well as post hurricane Katrina living conditions, the citizens of New Orleans who underwent intense psychological stress have a significantly increased likelihood of being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
The lifestyle of citizens previous to hurricane Katrina was simple and family oriented. To many of those whom lived in New Orleans, New Orleans was there home, is there only home; and ev...

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