Overfishing Explanation

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Explanation What is Overfishing? Why have I been so attracted to topic of saving our oceans and the abundance of wildlife it holds? Firstly, “Overfishing” is a term which is quite self-explanatory. Occurring when more fish are being taken from the ocean than the species can naturally reproduce. Secondly, having a burning passion for fish and the sport of fishing (which, not to mention, is being destroyed faster than you can eat a fillet of fish) is what drives me to have the need for change; the change that the entire world needs to take into consideration before we lose nearly all of our fish species. Knowing all harvestable fish in our ocean will be completely wiped out, is a little unsettling. Especially when it is estimated to happen to …show more content…

the ocean. What will we do without this living 70% of our Earth? As stated earlier, our fish populations are on track to be almost completely depleted by mid-century (Brown 1). Once our thriving ocean is depleted and nearly dead, what will happen to our ecosystems? Every ecosystem in the world is somehow correlated to fish in our oceans and lakes. Whether through a direct food source of many other species of animals, or indirectly through nutrients coming from fish feces or sediment from deceased fishes; our earth is highly dependent on the ocean itself. Yet, so are we... not through a direct source of food, but through the one thing that we, as living, breathing organisms need. That one thing is oxygen. Phytoplankton and other water-based autotrophs like coral and ocean plant life are estimated to create nearly 50-85% of our Earth’s oxygen (How Much Do Oceans Add to World’s Oxygen? 2). If the thought of losing a majority of the air around us alone isn’t significant enough; then whatever punishments we receive for destroying our ocean and over exploiting all of our fish, is what we …show more content…

These incentives would lie under the same table as laws and regulations that are already in place to restrict or stop overfishing/illegal fishing. These incentives, of course, would be benefits similar to benefits to that of a car insurance. In other words, when a member is a good driver for a period of time, their insurance company will offer more variety of benefits, discounts or lower premiums. Likewise with the idea of incentive; DNR (or the governmental organization in which provided the fishing license) will begin to offer benefits, discounts, lower prices on future licenses or even a small dividend paid to a fisherman or fishing

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