Overexposure To Pornography

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Desensitization To Pornography Leads To More Explicit Pornography For Impulsive Adolescents

Donnie Brull
Arizona State University
Adolescents develop compulsive behaviors that may include frequent viewing of pornographic material. As a result, overexposure to pornography leads to desensitization that results in the need to view more explicit pornography. In this paper, I discuss overexposure to pornography desensitizing adolescents resulting from compulsive behaviors influenced by self-gratification, technology and social interaction. It is hypnotized that an individual becoming desensitized searches for more explicit and violent pornography to achieve arousal and stimulation. Twenty-two literature reviews aim to support the hypothesis.

Pornography is material that is sexual in content for the intent of arousal and stimulation. Such material includes; movies, magazines, photographs and books. In most instances, the desire for pornography is pleasure. Pornography is a stimulus that creates arousal for the purpose of stimulation and as such, sensation from climax that results in pleasure. As an individual views such material, he may view repeated sexual themes, perhaps the same genre of pornography or the same actors. Explicit pornography is considered; bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism (BDSM), dominance and submission (Bonomi, 2013), strangling asphyxiation, humiliation, violence and rape. Desensitization is a “neurological process that results in a reduced or loss of physiological response following prolonged or repetitive stimulation (Wang & Xiulan. 2005).” This occurrence takes place due to a decrease in a neurotransmitter, resulting in a decreased response to a stimulus (Nairr...

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