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How is outsourcing affecting American Citizens, its not only taking jobs away from us Americans but is also hurting our US economy. Outsourcing is when a company such as Apple sends jobs overseas to a country such as China and has factory workers there assemble the product for a much lower price. Yes this lowers the price of products but we have to take into account how many jobs this it taking from American citizens. Outsourcing jobs does lower the price of products but jobs should stay here in the US to build our economy and give American’s their jobs back. The issue on outsourcing jobs is not only jobs being taken away from Americans but its hurting our economy. There are many other smaller issues that are created when jobs are outsourced. Items such as containers that the items are shipped in, it is cheaper to build a new container where the item is being built than it is to ship the empty container back. That creates a smaller issue of having thousands of unused containers lying around. (Winkipeida, 2013) The larger issues with outsourcing are jobs for American’s being shipped overseas and American citizens being left with out jobs. If these Americans had the jobs that are being shipped overseas then more money would be in circulation and our economy would not only be able to recover from this rescission but grow. Money has to be in circulation for our economy to grow but if people do not have the money to spend then money will not circulate. Yes outsourcing jobs does allow lowering the price of products but you have to take into account what it cost to ship the products to America, which is fossil fuel being burned. If jobs were brought back to America that would allow more people to spend money on various things building... ... middle of paper ... ...s to buy products at a lower price but is it worth it in the end. More people are unemployed and they cannot buy the products and our economy is hurting from it. It looks good when a product is cheaper it attracts more customers but another thing is the quality. If products are created here they may be created with more quality as employees will actually spend more time as they will take pride in creating them as their friends and family will use them. When people create them foreign they do not know who’s going to use them and their getting paid near nothing. (Winkipeida, 2013) Outsourcing jobs does lower the price of products but jobs should stay here in the US to build our economy and give American’s their jobs back, after all the information and facts that have been included I hope you can make the correct decision and do your part to bring jobs home to America.

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