Outlaw Platoon Sparknotes

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The book Outlaw Platoon written by Sean Parnell is a soldiers’ tale of his platoon in one of the most dangerous places on earth. This book is a non-fiction riveting work that tells the story of a platoon that spent sixteen months on an operating base in the Bermel Valley, the border of Pakistan. This mission the men were sent on was part of a mission called Operation Enduring Freedom. This book is extremely relevant to the war that we are still fighting in Afghanistan and the humanitarian work that continues. We still have men in this area fighting and losing their lives everyday. It is the focus of ongoing political debates and the purpose of our involvement there is an ongoing question in the minds of many Americans. In writing this book, Parnell makes it clear in his author’s notes that he indeed was not trying to pursue one political agenda over another. His goal as not to speak of all members of the platoon and expose their identities and the types of soldiers they were but instead to showcase some of the men’s bravery and abilities during the war. Parnell believed that he owed it to the men to write something that would show the world what these men go through during combat in an honest and raw account. Another purpose of Parnell’s in writing this book is an attempt at making sure these men are given a place in American war history.
Sean Parnell was a normal college student, partying on the weekends, going to class when he wanted, and being as carefree as one could be. A year later, he becomes the leader of a forty-man platoon at the ripe age of twenty-four. After being the leader of the platoon for only eight short months Parnell claims he “had enough knowledge to know that he didn’t know anything” (page 27). The job of ...

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... in Afghanistan is to so many others in our history. Parnell’s writing is very engaging and even in times in the book where you are not engaged in a conflict it is still so interesting and leaves you wanting to know more. It expanded my knowledge of the Afghan war tremendously. The reference of the born citizen soldier who sheds his uniform when he gets home and never looks back makes me think of how many people I have come in contact with and even just see in the supermarket or in a restaurant have fought for my freedom. Hearing what the conditions are like in a country like Afghanistan also makes me so grateful for the freedom and life I live in America. This book was more than an eye opener for people both in support and not in support of war and I would suggest it to anyone no matter what walk of life and no matter what books they typically like to read.

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