Our Big Government

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Our Big Government
Our government has been around since 1789, it has gone through a lot of ideas and changes. During the Clinton presidency, the government started to test the boundaries of how they can control the people of the United States. Our government today is becoming more of a communist state rather than a republic. If you´re government is changing into a communist state than all of your freedoms will perish. Big government can and will always destroy a country.
Over the years our “Big Government” has become so controlling towards the people of the United States, that it has affected our freedom, civil society, and even our happiness. Big government controls everything you do and they even control you. The way that a big government …show more content…

The way liberals make big government sound is like a fairy tail, when in all reality big government is the new communism. There has been so many debates on this “Big” government topic since Trump has became our president. People have the wrong idea of what big government actually is. Big government controls us and does not help, but some people believe that it will create an equal society and everyone will be on the same level ( bernie sanders). The democrats say that big government will lower taxes because everyone will make the same amount of money and live in the same types of housing and drive the same …show more content…

Our government was not built for this kind of power surge through out all the branches. Our branches were set up will checks and balances, but somewhere on the way to today somebody forgot to use the checks and balances. Without the checks and balances our government officials are running rampant with their power hungary selves. Our founding fathers set up our government to technically be ran by the people of the united states and not the government. Let's take the second amendment for example, the second amendment was put into place for the people of the United States in case the government got to big and they could revolt again. So I guess our founding fathers somehow knew that we would become ran by a big government that was way out of their place. Some people today take the second amendment out of context and say it is for hunting or self defense and in a way they are right it is self defense from our crazy government officials.

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