The purpose of this paper is to briefly summarize the article, “The manager’s role in building an innovative organization”. I will give a brief description of the organizing function of management. I will also relate the concepts to Aearo Company, while including my recommendations based on the article.
The article discusses how organizations must change to survive in a competitive market. Companies must change how they gather information, implement the information, and support the employees that acquire the information.
Gathering Information
Management should use their employee’s ideas as a resource, not only because it is less expensive than outside information, but also it supports employee involvement. Using teams that include people from different divisions can increase communication and perception when pursuing a goal.
Implement Information
An organization that can make decisions faster, and change direction at the “drop of a hat”, is more versatile and will most likely survive longer. “Old time” decisions that were made by top management or a board of directors, could take a while to trickle down the ranks and actually be implemented in the process. Teams that are given the authority to make quick decisions can get things done faster, and are more responsive to the customer.
Support the Employees
Dahlin, K. B., Weingart, L. R., & Hinds, P. J. (2005). Team Diversity and Information Use. The Academy of Management Journal , 48 (6), 1107-1123.
As the processes and systems used in business have become more complex, teams, not individuals, have become popular in many organizations. Teams are made up of individuals from an organization brought together to solve a problem, improve a process or implement a new process. “A major advantage that a team has over an individual is its diversity of resources and ideas” (Burns, 1995, p. 52). However, this diversity can cause conflict within the team. The success of the team is strongly influenced by the team’s ability to recognize the causes of, manage and resolve conflict.
Faced with changing markets and higher competition, more and more firms are struggling to reestablish their dominance, keep market share, and in some cases, ensure their survival. Many have come to understand that the key to competitive success is to transform the way they function. They are reducing reliance on managerial authority, formal rules and procedures, and narrow divisions of work. In effect, companies are moving from the hierarchical and bureaucratic model of organization that has defined corporations since World War II to what can be called the task-driven organization where what has to be done governs who works with whom and who leads. But while senior managers understand the necessity of change to cope with new competitive realities, they often misunderstand what it takes to bring it about.
3. Organizations must change in order to meet the needs of the changing workplace, environment, technology, and economy in order to be competitive. Change is good for an organization if it is done in a controlled and structured manner. Change is also risky because it is often met with resistance. For example, people may feel threatened and fear power loses and subsequently, resists the change. Change can also be ineffective if it is narrow and doesn’t concern itself with people and is over determined. In Enron’s case, the organization was constantly changing with no collective rhyme or reason.
The Different Ways Organizations Can Be Structured and Operated There are four major ways a company - organization can be structured and operate. P.C.G (o) Ltd I would dare say that is structured and operates with the functional structure. In order to make it clear and understandable I am analyzing here below the four ways that organizations can structure and operate. We will observe that all four structures have there advantages and disadvantages. In order also to assist you understand better the differences of the four ways that organizations can be structured see in Page 4 & 5 Figures 1,2,3 which are the layout of the organization charts for each structure: 1.
For a company to be successful it is important that it has very good organization. Organization can be defined in many different ways. Bateman and Snell define organizing as assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational,
Apple Inc. was established by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April 1, 1976 as a computer designer, developer and seller company. However, the company shifted its focus from only personal computer to include other consumer electronics such as portable media player and mobile phone in 2007. Apple Inc becomes one of the most popular makers in its field since it seems that its popularity has increased according to a report on that Apple Inc’s products sales was generally increasing throughout the first quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2014. On the one hand, it has increased its revenue from about 14 billion US dollars to more than 170 billion US dollars in 2013. All in all, the company is highly successful corresponding to its products’ development and their sales growth in world’s market.
This is an excellent and thorough research on innovation and strategic management. The book has clearly outlined the management strategies that should be put in place for a smooth running of business. The authors of this book went forward and gave detailed information on innovative ideas that should be used in the modern businesses. The book has not only given out the management strategies and innovative ideas but also how both can be integrated to develop business organizations. In the book, authors have indicated that managerial strategies
The idea of change is the most constant factor in business today and organisational change therefore plays a crucial role in this highly dynamic environment. It is defined as a company that is going through a transformation and is in a progressive step towards improving their existing capabilities. Organisational change is important as managers need to continue to commit and deliver today but must also think of changes that lie ahead tomorrow. This is a difficult task because management systems are design, and people are rewarded for stability. These two main factors will be discussed with reasons as to why organisational change is necessary for survival, but on the other hand why it is difficult to accomplish.
Teams are important to a company simply because they motivate transformation and expansion. While teams play a key role in the expansion process of a business; the entire process can be delayed, if not disabled altogether due to a lack of participation on individual levels of commitment. Studies show that if a team is constructed and managed effectively they are 30-50% more productive. (Williams, 1995) Whatever the reason behind the formation of a team in a business it is always wise to take the proper approach to overcome any obstacle.
Understanding the structure of an organization plays a vital role in laying the blueprint for how a company will be managed and organized. It provides a well-defined framework that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each employee in a particular company. It shows how each employee interacts and works one another in achieving the goals of a company. In other words, organizational structure is a reflection of the working relationships that govern the workflow of the company. It has a profound effect on a company’s structural dimensions, which includes formalization, specialization, hierarchy and centralization.
Traditional organizational Structure Is known as called a hierarchical structure is similar to a managerial pyamid where the hierarchy of decision making and authority goes from the strategic management at the top down to operational management and non-management employees. (Techrepublic, 2015) Challenges In spite the fulfilment of many Internet-based applications, health care company can look forward to face many problems as they try to apply these technologies to acquire their strategic visions. They will face obstruction to, and restrain on, organizational alter, as well as being unsure about the efficacy and effects of Internet-based applications. Opposition to alter can come from refusal of the need to alter, the lack to manage alter,
Organizations who jump the gun and do not take the time to allocate their resources suffer in the long run. Resources are an essential component of the business and the organization needs to understand their importance and not be wasteful. Finally, the organization needs to understand the first to steps thoroughly so that they can implement innovations and manage them wisely.
It is apparent that the only thing constant in business is change. Organizational change is often an overwhelming challenge for business leaders, managers and employees alike. The need for change may be the result of market shifts, economic environment, technology advancements or changing work force skill-set demands. Today Organizational change occurs for reasons that originate external to the organization (Chandler, 1996: Hannan & Freeman, 1984), as well as internal to the organization (Baker 1990: Prechel 1994). Thus, External constraints, internal constraints, resource dependency and increasingly growing competitive markets force organizations to change in order to maximize economic potential. Although organizational changes are usually a response in reaction to an event, companies and leaders should still expect to encounter issues. Organizations need to be more proactive and contingent on how to handle the problems that will inevitably come about. This will make the process of organizational change go smoothly as well as reduce resistance through proper management techniques. Resource dependency argues that both environmental and organizational constraints impact organizational change (Pfeffer & Salancik, 2003).
Both employing organizations and individuals must be prepared for the coming changes or fund their success limited. As for businesses, globalization and a rapidly evolving workforce are redefining how we think about competence, creativity, productivity, and the structuring of organizations.