Organic Farming: The Benefits Of Organic Food

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In the society where people are getting more concerned about one's health, organic food has become a widely spread and followed by many people tendency. Organic food is believed to have better impact on person's well-being and not to cause harm to people and the surrounding world due to its ecological nature. The debate that has been recently developed around this topic cannot be solved easily since both supporters and their counterparts provide reasonable arguments supporting their positions. However, to get into the problem and find the answer to a question that concerns many people, it is necessary to identify organic food at first. The type of organic food that is popular among many people is produced on organic farms. Farms belonging …show more content…

Growing more organic food would result in more qualitative air and water. As far as organic food is grown mostly on small farms and the process excludes almost any use of pesticides or chemical stuff, organic farming does not create a threat of water and grounds contamination. Moreover, organic farms show a tendency to create more sustainable and richer soil layer due to crops rotations and use of organic composts. Crop rotations also reduce the exposure of plants to pests. The organic farming can also produce benefits in terms of slowing soil erosion and creating favorable environment for changing nutrient demands that are placed on the soil due to use of respective methods food production. In such way products grown on organic farms seem to include more valuable substances, like vitamins, iron, and other types of minerals. Thus, while growing organic food is imposing a positive impact on soils and decreases the intensity of pollution, it also results in higher contents of valuable substances in …show more content…

As columnist Mark Bittman who is interested in topic of organic food states in his article, “Neither the enabling legislation nor the regulations address food safety or nutrition” (Bittman). The column author believes organic food to be an imposed by government concept. However, people who consume organically grown products experience benefits of this food type. Mark Bittman also points out the idea that it does not matter whether food is organic or not, but it matters what you eat. Eating more fruit and vegetables as well as conventional prepared meals instead of junk food would benefit person's health more than any organic

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