Opioid Limitations

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Studies on Opioid Abuse: Confounding Variables and Future Research
Peer Reviewer: Alize Hassan
A retrospective cohort study found that there was a causal relationship between previous drug abuse and opioid abuse when opioids are used for chronic pain management. Therefore, the study determined previous drug abuse as the most significant risk factor regarding potential opioid abuse with a relative risk of 3.3.1 However, the study made no mention in its “methods” section of corrections for any confounding variables that may have greatly affected the data. One such confounding variable that needs to be adjusted for is severity of pain that each patient was experiencing. The likely result of an individual who has a more severe level of pain will be that of increased and prolonged use of opioids. Those with high levels of pain may experience a greater psychological dependence on opioids to cope with pain and lead a normal life. Consequently, the psychological dependence on opioids will lead to a physical addiction and abuse of opioids. …show more content…

However, the risk of disability and death due to opioids was significantly higher than in non-opioid treatments with an odds ratio of 122.5.2 Therefore, future research must occur to find a safe and long-term solution for chronic pain management. The pertinent issue is to find a drug that has a low risk of abuse and dependence while significantly lowering pain in patients, as this is often the most difficult part of chronic pain management. Extensive clinical trials must occur for drugs that are intended for chronic pain management as side effects will possibly occur much later due to the long-term aspect in contrast to drugs intended for acute

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