Operation Aurora And The Cyber Attack

840 Words2 Pages

Omisore, Lookman
CSIA 301
Research Paper
Mr. Pannah, Em
Operation Aurora
The cyber-attack that was dubbed “Operation Aurora” by Dmitri Alperovitch from McAfee was initiated in China by a senior member of China’s government at the “Politburo Standing Committee level.” (Fahmida). Operation Aurora proved that technology and the internet was entering into a new era of high risk where cybercrimes are no longer targeting the government but all corporations with valuable information. The attack was classified as an advanced persistent threat that was later defined as “a highly sophisticated group of people who target their attacks, with the capability and intent to carry out successful attacks.” (Gibson). Operation Aurora was a sequence of high-profiled and persistent hacks targeting technological, financial and defense corporations with valuable and confidential information. Some of the companies targeted were Adobe, Google, Juniper Network, Symantec, Morgan Stanley and Yahoo. The attackers were successful at the heist by manipulating computer codes to exploit windows internet explorer (IE) vulnerabilities, which were later discovered by Google in as earlier as September 2009.
In the operation Aurora case, the attack utilized a combination of attacks that comprised of stealth hacking, an unknown loophole in internet explorer (also known as the Zero- Day exploit), and the use of complicated encryptions. This led to companies like McAfee, Microsoft, and Symantec to resolve the breach with providing patches and updates to the browser as well as security software. As the investigation progressed, Microsoft quickly and quietly pushed out security advisories and security products. They also urged users to perform the IE patch updates. At the...

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...rora”. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/2010/03/operationaurora_wp_0310_fnl.pdf
Zetter, K. (2010, January 13). Google Hackers Targeted Source Code of More Than 30 Companies | Threat Level | WIRED. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://www.wired.com/2010/01/google-hack-attack/
Gibson, D. (2012, January). SSCP systems security certified practitioner Exam Guide: all in one. (p. 146).New York: McGraw – Hill.
Zetter, K. (2010, January 14). Google Hack Attack Was Ultra Sophisticated, New Details Show | Threat Level | WIRED. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://www.wired.com/2010/01/operation-aurora/
Fahmida, R. (2011, March 1). Morgan Stanley Hit China’s Operation Aurora Hacking Campaign. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/Morgan-Stanley-Hit-by-Chinas-Operation-Aurora-Hacking-Campaign-813092/?mchk=1

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