Online Dating In Today's Society

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When was the last time someone asked you on a date? Probably a long time ago. That is because today most people do not actually ask another person on a date. Or at least teens do not ask on dates. Why is that? The social expectation for dating has changed through the years. Teens have created contemporary trends to modify dating, the new technologies and social media have played a huge role on these modifications. More and more people resort to the internet to find their love interests and create new relationships. Most traditional dating methods are no longer used by teens in today's society. But the loss of traditional dating methods is contributing to negative consequences in today's teens. Time changes everything from the way we look and live, to the way we learn to love. 20 years ago traditional dating was being replaced slowly by the internet dating scene. How do I know that 20 plus years ago traditional dating was still around? My parents. To be able to understand what traditional dating was like I wanted to get some insight from a couple that have experienced this. Dating needed to be a face to face matter. Although it was like this, it did not …show more content…

Many online sites provide outlets for promiscuous emotional and sexual activities that can be hidden from others, such as sharing scandalous photos and messages.” The reason online dating is so popular with teens today is because it allows for fast and essay access to messages and information about each other. “Scandalous . . . messages” could imply the incentive for teens to have affairs and casual hook ups leading to negative consequences. Such consequences include early teen pregnancies, STD’s, rape, and sometimes

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