On Seeing The 100 % Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning By Haruki Murakami

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1. Haruki Murakami’s “On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning,” with a clever shift in narrative point of view halfway through the text, adroitly toes the line between doe-eyed romanticism and bleak (but substantial) drama. The narrator opens the story in the first person to describe a woman he passes on the sidewalk, claiming that despite his immediate infatuation with her, “she was no great beauty” (Murakami). His infatuation, however, is disarmingly instantaneous. He describes how, just by seeing her once, “from fifty yards away: She's the 100% perfect girl.” After establishing an emotional connection with the audience, the point of view transitions to the third person in the form of a story told by the first-person narrator. He recites a fairytale that serves as an …show more content…

Italo Calvino meticulously crafts a surreal setting in his “The Distance of the Moon.” As the plot progresses, however, it becomes clear that his fantasticism is necessary. The reader is privileged to a setting shortly after the moon broke off of the Earth and is barely suspended over the Earth’s surface. It is whimsically depicted as a popular destination for a group of acquaintances, but it also serves as the center for a love story. The narrator’s deaf cousin, who is isolated from others because of his disability, forms a stronger bond with the moon than with any of the other characters. The theme of identity if furthered when the narrator describes how Mrs. Vhd Vhd, with whom the narrator is enamored but who loves the deaf man, proves “her passion for the deaf man hadn’t been a frivolous whim but an irrevocable vow. If what [the narrator’s] cousin now loved was the distant Moon, then she too would remain distant, on the Moon” (Calvino). Much like the Moon forms its distinct identity away from the earth, so too does Mrs. Vhd Vhd. While her title, “mrs.,” denotes a melded identity with her husband, she aligns with the moon to create her own

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