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Thesis statement on dumpster diving
The meaning of poverty and definition
What is poverty
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Poverty can be defined in many ways. Some consider it an issue caused by the lack of ambition in certain individuals. On the other hand, many also consider it to be an issue caused by outside forces such as class, education, and economic conditions. Essays by Lars Eighner, Anna Quindlen, and Jonathan Kozol all touch base on poverty and what it means to be in poverty.
Lars Eighner’s essay “On Dumpster Diving” comes from the perspective of a third year college dropout who started dumpster diving approximately twelve months prior to becoming homeless (citation). Almost acting as a how-to-guide on dumpster diving, Eighner gives potentially the most valuable diving tip in his essay; who throws away the most valuable things. “Students throw out many good things” (citation). He goes on to further describe his statement. “Since it is Daddy’s money”, students often discard valuable things due to “carelessness, ignorance, or wastefulness” (citation).
In Anna Quindlen’s essay “Homeless”, the college graduate interviews a homeless woman named Ann that she met in a bus terminal for a story on the homeless she was currently doing (citation). The woman said that “she was just passing through” before showing her a picture of a house, indicating to Anna that “she was somebody”
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(citation). She then goes on to express how the homeless are often undervalued and reduced to simply ‘the homeless’. “We turn an adjective into a noun: the poor, not poor people; the homeless, not Ann or the man who lives in the box or the woman who sleeps on the subway grates” (citation). “Untouchables” by Jonathan Kozol takes a darker and more realistic approach to poverty by describing how the general public react to homeless individuals. Being regarded as “trash” that needs to be gotten “rid of”, the homeless are often reacted towards in violent ways (citation). The homeless have risked murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and even being “set on fire” (citation). As Richard Lazarus expressed, “[w]e are the rejected waste of society” (citation). All three essays speak about being homeless or the homeless in rather liberal ways. A common theme the essays all have is how the poor are often looked at as trash and a waste in society. There are many different forms/levels of poverty and many people in America have experience some form of it. Although I have never been homeless or to the point of stealing to feed and clothe myself, I have lived in poverty my entire life. I never realized as a child that I was living in poverty.
I knew that I was poor, of course, but poverty, to me, had a much different definition than what it actually was. I imagined poverty to be a living state like the people in the three essays summarized earlier experienced or saw, not what I was living in. I never saw it as a bad thing because I never lived in anything different. A large portion of my life was without health or dental insurance and I was often clothed with hand-me-downs from my brother. We didn’t and still don’t have much food and do occasionally go to bed hungry, but we have never gone a day without eating something, whether it be cans of tuna or peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches. While both sides of the argument on what creates poverty can be argued well, there is no one thing that creates poverty. Individual choices and outside forces both play a large role in what forces people to be poor. Every case of poverty is different, but there is no denying that outside forces play a larger role in most situations. Being born into a low income family makes it harder to afford the proper education that is necessary to get yourself out of the realm of low paying jobs without governmental assistance and the almost inevitable necessity of having to take out loans to pay for a higher education.
According to Mayberry (2009) Lars Eighner, a graduate of the University of Texas, became homeless in 1988 and again in 1995 (p. 351). Some of the accounts from Travels with Lisbeth (1993), a book by Lars Eighner, depicted what he went through and what he found during his homeless state. A homeless person must eat and sleep but may not know where or when this might happen next. The human will to survive enabled Eighner to eat food from a dumpster, reach out to other for handouts, and sleep in places other than a bed with covers.
In the past decades, the booming housing market has caused the prices of real estate to dramatically increase causing the issue of homelessness to be on the rise. Many people who do live on the streets, resort to dumpster diving and finding trash to call theirs. In his article: "On Dumpster Diving" Lars Eighner, goes into depth about his experiences while dumpster diving. Eighner found many items in the dumpster that were still edible or somewhat useful. He began diving a year before he became homeless and has continued while he wrote his piece of work (Eighner 673). Eighner enlightens us with many instances of his journey dumpster diving while he was homeless.
The author, Lars Eighner explains in his informative narrative, “On Dumpster Diving” the lifestyle of living out of a dumpster. Eighner describes the necessary steps to effectively scavenge through dumpsters based on his own anecdotes as he began dumpster diving a year before he became homeless. The lessons he learned from being a dumpster diver was in being complacent to only grab what he needs and not what he wants, because in the end all those things will go to waste. Eighner shares his ideas mainly towards two direct audiences. One of them is directed to people who are dumpster divers themselves, and the other, to individuals who are unaware of how much trash we throw away and waste. However, the author does more than direct how much trash
Homelessness is increasing every year and effecting Americans of different age, ethnicity and religion. In Lars Eighner “On Dumpster Diving” he explains what he went through while being homeless. He describes how and what foods someone should be looking for and to always be conscious of what one is eating because there is always a reason why something has been thrown out. He continues to go into detail about other items that can be found in the dumpster like sheets to sleep on and pieces of paper to write on. Things that can keep him busy through the day. Eighner carefully explains to his readers how being a dumpster diver has become a life style for the homeless and this is how they survive. It’s a way of living and they are comfortable doing it. “I began dumpster diving about a year before I became homeless” (Eighner 713). He tries to bring us into the world of being homeless. It is hard to imagine what it would be like in that situation, and how could surviving as a dumpster diver be a way of survival? As a dumpster diver, Eighner is able to tell us what is ok to eat and have and what is not ok for your health. His essay starts by uttering some guidelines of what is and is not safe to eat. “Eating safely from the dumpsters involves three principles: using common sense for evaluating the food, knowing the dumpsters of the given areas and always ask, “Why was this discarded?” (Eighner 714).
There are plenty of articles that discuss in great detail the conditions and many aspects of dumpster diving, but there is a fundamental difference between diving for survival and diving for profit. Lars Eighner, the author of “On Dumpster Diving”, tells stories of multiple instances of his dumpster diving experience. Eighner also explains exactly what it’s like to be homeless and to rely on scavenging through garbage to survive in order to get your next meal. On the other hand, in the article “Dumpster Divers: Scavenging is About More Than the Trash” by Elana Dure, she discusses that dumpster divers believe to think they are scavenging for treasure, not just for pleasure and enjoyment, but for profit. Both are “making a living”, but one group
A) Lars Eighner, in “On Dumpster Diving”, portrays the waste that is accumulated due to modern consumerism and materialism. He also demonstrates the issue of the wage gap. Consumers of the modern age spend too much and therefore waste too much. In the essay, Eighner describes life as an scavenger and demonstrates how people are able to live by the minimal resources. “Scavengers” are able to survive on the waste of the consumer. Eighner presents this scenario as a contrast to the life of a modern consumer, in order to portray it’s unnecessary wastefulness. Mainly, food seems to be taken lightly by society, as Eighner as a scavenger finds “a half jar of peanut butter”,
Reading the story “On dumpster diving” by Lars Eighner it made me feel grateful for my materialistic things, because I would not want to experience dumpster diving to survive. Eighner has led me to question where I place my value. He has made me curious about what treasures could be found in dumpsters. Most of these items have lost their intrinsic value; however, they could hold great personal value. A can of food could mean a meal for someone in need. It has also made me wonder about what I throw away, and if someone has ever discovered what I’ve thrown away and used
I agree with his assessment about society’s throw away mentality due to the fact that I have seen it myself first hand. Recently I helped my sister move out of her dorm room at NAU and I was horrified to see all the things and edible food she was just dumping and what was worse, she wasn’t the only one. All of the kids were getting rid of perfectly good items in the dumpster, so it’s no wonder that dumpsters near college campuses are one of Eighner’s favorite places to scavenge. In his article on page 3, Eighner elaborates on student’s wasteful habits, “but in the case of discards from student apartments, the answer may be that the item was discarded through carelessness, ignorance or wastefulness.” I believe agree with Eighner that some people have a pack rat mentality while others just throw it away. My parents are a good example of this and I think it has something to do with the way that they were raised. My mom is a pack rat, holding on to everything as long as possible and giving away to charity what she doesn’t want anymore. She squeezes every last drop out of a toothpaste tube or a shampoo bottle, while my dad will throw it away half empty. My mom was raised in a single parent household, where money was tight and you used what you had… my dad however, was raised in a more affluent home and money flowed more freely. In fact, my mom does her own dumpster diving fairly regularly in our garbage can by rescuing stuff out of the garbage that my dad has thrown away, including belts, pants, shirts and hardly worn tennis shoes. She doesn’t keep the goods, but instead gives it to Goodwill or the church clothing drive. My dad is her antithesis and is definitely part of the throw-away society. My dad has little sentiment attached to stuff and like Eichner mentioned on page 6, “knows there is plenty more where what we came from.” After reflecting on
Although poverty has minimized, it is still significant poverty which is characterized by a numerous amount of things. There are two types of poverty case and insular. “Case poverty is the farm family with the junk-filled yard and the dirty children playing in the bare dirt” (Galbraith 236)Case poverty is not irretraceable and usually caused if someone in the household experiences “ mental deficiency, bad health, inability to adapt to the discipline of industrial life, uncontrollable procreation, alcohol, some educational handicap unrelated to community shortcomings” (Galbraith 236).Case poverty is often blamed on the people for their shortcomings but on some levels can be to pinpoint one person's shortcomings that caused this poverty. Most modern poverty is insular and is caused by things people in this community cannot control. “The most important characteristic of insular poverty is forces, common to all members of the community, that restrain or prevent participation in economic life and increase rates of return.
Everyone knows what the word poverty means. It means poor, unable to buy the necessities to survive in today's world. We do not realize how easy it is for a person to fall into poverty: A lost job, a sudden illness, a death in the family or the endless cycle of being born into poverty and not knowing how to overcome it. There are so many children in poverty and a family's structure can effect the outcome. Most of the people who are at the poverty level need some type of help to overcome the obstacles. There are mane issues that deal with poverty and many things that can be done to stop it.
Poverty itself is a controversial and widely debated issue with a variety of opposing viewpoints. Despite differences in opinions on how poverty should be treated, the vast majority agrees that poverty is a problem plagues the nation on both economic and social levels. Economically, poverty affects everyone. As taxes are paid by the entire nation, poverty influences where our money goes and how it is spent. Socially, poverty affects families and individuals on an emotional level. Impoverishment affects happiness and health, the decisions people make, and most importantly the development of children. To best understand poverty, one must look at the issue economically and socially, and contextualize the numbers surrounding poverty as well as
The society that humans exist in faces social problems everyday. Social problems can be unique to one society, or they can be universal. Poverty is a universal problem that is felt, and seen in every society, although what is seen as poverty in one society may not be seen as poverty in another society. You live in poverty when you are poor. Poverty can become a deadly trap to those affected, and leaves them unable to escape.
Poverty is a major problem in the United States today. Social, economical, political, and cultural factors all contribute to poverty. Education and economic development are two major issues that will help prevent poverty. The United States Census Bureau defines poverty as an "economic condition in which people lack sufficient income to obtain basic needs for food, housing, clothing, health services and education." In other words, poverty is powerlessness, a lack of representation and freedom. Poverty is an issue that the world faces everyday.
In conclusion, sometimes actions take place that changes a person’s outlook on life and as you can see poverty is one that can have a huge effect on not only one person, but also the people around him/ her.
The question is, what is poverty? Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs of life, including food, clothing, and shelter. Nevertheless I believe that poverty is much more that not having enough money. The World Bank Organization describes poverty as, “Poverty is hunger. Poverty is the lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty