Older People Are Old Essay

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Some people belief that when they are old, their cognition will decrease, especially in decision-making and learning new things. On the contrary, older people have a wise brain and perfect skill because different skill of Cognition which is the process of knowing and understanding (longman dictionary) will peak at different time, some is soon while some take a longer time. Besides as people are ageing they have more experience as well as more knowledge to increase their ability to learn, that why we have a sayings like” the older, the wiser”. Furthermore, our brain is working as the same as our skin or body if only they take care of their brain in the right way they can keep their brains sharp for a certain extra time.On the other hand, people …show more content…

Cognition is a process which is not just about thinking quickly and making risky decision but also includes the vocabulary skill, thinking critically, analyze data, problem solving, emotion recognition. For example: vocabulary skill usually peaks at 60s. Language is interesting but not easy to learn. It’s not a problem to learn a word, we can learn it for one or two seconds. However, when we learn 10, 100, 1000 or more words it truly a big problem. One of varieties skills which improve when we are old is critical thinking which is a very important skill in every aspects. Critical thinking depends on each person, because each of us has different knowledge, background, experience, and the ability to think but this skill can be trained if people focus more on it. Critical thinking usually peaks at 60s or early 70s, the same for analyze and solving problem (Jenna Birch, 2015). When people are old they are considered that their cognition become slowly gradually . Therefore, to make up for their shortage they use their critical thinking, solving problem skill… to from a strategy, carefully make a plan, look at different aspect to make decisions which are mostly right and effective. If there brain decline they are definitely unable to do these complicated

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