Old Mrs. Chundle and The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy

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Compare and contrast two stories by Thomas Hardy which deal with the

theme of fate?

The two stories that I have chosen that deal with the them of 'fate'

are Old Mrs Chundle and The Withered Arm. Both of these stories are

written by Thomas Hardy, and in both of these stories he is dealing

with the theme of 'fate'.

Both of theses stories are about little accidental happenings which

govern and determine peoples lives. This is just like real life

situations. It is the accidental happenings that determine which road

our lives should take, and this judges what will happen to us in the


Our lives are shaped by the character that we have adopted, and how we

get on in life. Everyone is different in many ways, and it is this

individual character that each of us have that will show the way for

are future life.

'Character is fate' is what Thomas Hardy stated, and this is true in

both the stories I read.

The first story that I read was Old Mrs Chundle. Old Mrs Chundle is a

lonely woman, who isolates herself from the outside world. She lives

in a small stone-built cottage, which has a vegetable patch out the

back were she grows her own greens. She doesn't go to the local Church

as she feels there is no need for her attending.

There was a Curate who had accidentally bumped into Mrs Chundle. After

chatting to Mrs Chundle he soon becomes to discover that Mrs Chundle

belongs to his parish. She tells him that she attends Church every

Sunday, but in fact she never goes to Church at all.

Later on the Curate mentions to the rector of his encounter with Old

Mrs Chundle. The Curate explains to the rector that Mrs Chundle is

part of their parish and attends regularly. The rector is shocked to

hear this, as...

... middle of paper ...

... and the

lives of others. If Farmer Lodge had not been as raunchy towards

ladies then this situation of the two deaths would never of occurred.

Farmer Lodge moved from a relationship with an older lady, to a

relationship with a young and pretty women. If Gertrude had not liked

older men then this also would not be the situation. But it is clear

she did, and this eventually led to her own death, and the death of

Rhoda's son.

Overall my favourite story from these two had to be 'Old Mrs Chundle'.

I thought this was a very exciting story compared to 'The Withered

Arm'. Both these stories ended in deaths, one a lot more tragic than

the other. From reading these two stories, I now believe that it is

the character that we lead, that will determine how we go about

living. We are all 'born under a blided star' and we can't control

what is going to happen to us.

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