Og Mandino: The Value Of Determination

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Og Mandino, a bestselling author, once wrote in one of his books, “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” Many people can relate to this quote, for they have been in situations where determination has helped them accomplish many things in their lives. Ancient Greek values have played a considerable role in people of ancient Greece and today's lifestyles. Determination is a very important value that has been passed down through Greek mythology that has greatly influenced Greek and current-day culture, and my life today. The Greeks valued determination, evident because of the myths, Odysseus and Hercules. Determination is displayed in Odysseus when he overcame many obstacles to be with his family again. …show more content…

Determination affected the way they thought by making them believe that good would come out of everything if they were determined enough and fought for what was right. They believed that determination could take them anywhere. My current culture in the 21st century views determination as the root of power. People tend to believe that determination is the power that drives people to do incredible and miraculous things in life. Nowadays, the positive message of determination is communicated through stories, like ancient Greek myths, though these stories are real. People tell and hear stories of the power of determination, and how it has allowed ordinary people to do amazing things. For instance, I recently watched a movie called, From Homeless to Harvard, which is a true story about a girl who struggled with a dysfunctional family and homelessness. Her aspirations were to be able to go to an excellent college, and do something amazing with her life, and she was eventually able to do these things by staying determined throughout the hardships. This is just one amazing story of countless others that are made possible with

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