Of Mice And Men George Milton And Lennie's Relationship

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The relationship between George Milton and Lennie Small is an unusual one. On most occasions, their relationship is like a parent and a child. George carries the parental role, while Lennie carries the child role. Lennie Small is not as mentally “sharp” as most people are. George Milton watches over Lennie’s basic survival needs, and tries to prevent him from getting into trouble with the law. Lennie does not understand that the consequences of his innocent actions are very serious. Others do not know Lennie’s situation, therefore, they do not view Lennie’s actions as innocent. In the story, Lennie wants to feel of how soft that a strange woman’s dress is, but he doesn’t understand that if he feels of it, it can be misinterpreted as a violation. …show more content…

George is a farmworker who is smart, quick, small, and dark in the face. George Milton has more to him than just a quick brain and smarts. Although he may not show this side much, he is a good-hearted man. George is not nice to Lennie at all, but he really cares about him. Lennie benefits from their relationship, but he isn’t the only one. George gets the enjoyment of companionship, and the chance to dream. George and Lennie shared a dream of owning a huge farm, and they talked about it often. After George killed Lennie, he realized that the dreams were silly. George also thought of himself to be crazy for ever believing that their dreams would come true. With children around, the future seems brighter, and grown people tend to release their inner child. With George and Lennie’s parent-child relationship, it was easy for George to be a dreamer. Lennie’s innocent intentions finally got him into some real trouble this time. Lennie accidentally killed Curley’s wife. Curley put out a death threat for whoever that had killed his wife, and George knew that he meant it. George knew that Lennie’s intentions were innocent, and he also knew that Curley would hurt Lennie terribly. George knew that he had to protect Lennie, so he shot Lennie in the back of his head. George did not want to kill Lennie, but he thought he had to in order to keep Curley from hurting

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