Of Mice And Men George And Lennie Friendship

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“Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind” (unknown). This quote is a perfect example of the relationship between the two main characters, George and Lennie, in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men . Steinbeck shows how George and Lennie take care of one another, how they support one another in the ambition of their dream, and how George and Lennie make sacrifices and responsible for each other. George and Lennie’s relationship shows us the true meaning of friendship. George and Lennie take care of one another. During the novel Of Mice and Men, George tells Lennie “if you get in trouble hide in the brush” (Steinbeck 15). This shows how George protects Lennie. George tells Lennie this to keep him out of trouble and not to get caught doing something stupid because Lennie tends to not follow the directions …show more content…

In Of Mice and Men the boss at the ranch George and Lennie are working at, told George “well I have never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy” (22). This explains that George always looked out for Lennie and stuck up for Lennie. If Lennie would cause trouble at the ranch George would take the blame. When George stuck up for Lennie he told Curley “the poor bastard’s nuts. Don’t shoot I’m. He didn’t know what he was doing” (98). George was trying to protect Lennie from getting killed. Curley wanted to kill Lennie because not only did Lennie kill Curley’s wife but he also caused Curley to lose his hand. George tells slim “he ain’t no cuckoo. He’s dumb as hell but he ain’t crazy” (39). Slim told George that he didn’t know why George would stick around with such a cuckoo like Lennie. This quote shows George sticking up for Lennie. This quote shows George sticking up for Lennie. There are many sacrifices George and Lennie face to take care of each

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