Of Mice And Men Discrimination Analysis

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“Defeating racism, tribalism, intolerance, and all forms of discrimination will liberate us all, victim and perpetrator alike” (Ban Ki-Moon). This famous quote from Ban Ki-Moon described different types of discrimination and how they can be overpowered. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, many forms of discrimination are shown through different characters in their own ways. Discrimination affects characters in Of Mice and Men through Lennie being overprotected by George, Crooks living alone in anger, and Curley’s wife flirting with everyone and being judged for her gender. Firstly, the metal disability Lennie has affects him by doing bad things without knowing the consequences and always being protected by George because of it. …show more content…

Crooks is a black male who works as a slave worker in the bunkhouse. He expresses his anger when he says, “‘Cause i'm black. They play cards in there, but I cannot play because i’m black” (Steinbeck 68). The other workers on the ranch do not let Crooks do anything with them because he is a different race. He lives by himself alone and is constantly angry about the discrimination against his skin color. Since he is black, he is often ignored and never socializes with anyone because they won’t listen to him. The other men don’t let him play cards with them and makes him live alone. Through this, the quote shows his anger and how other men discriminate against his skin color because he is black. Furthermore, Crooks explains, “If I say anything, why it's just a nigger sayin’ it” (Steinbeck 70). Crooks is telling Lennie that everyone ignores him because of the color of his skin. People discriminate against him and continue to nark on Crooks with harmful language for being black. The quote is displaying his sadness and anger about how the other men treat him. They simply do not care what he has to say just because his skin is a different color. As a result of being constantly ignored and discriminated against, Crooks is affected by living alone in

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