Odyssia Before The Trojan War Essay

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As Odyssiana lifted the blade up from her table, she took a breath in and sliced off her hair. She had planned to go off into the Trojan war because she was feeling that she was not needed in her home, Ithaca. She wanted to prove that women could fight just as well as men. She dressed in her husbands clothes and went off into the night to find the camp ground where the men were staying. As she stumbled upon a dying fire, she decided to sleep behind a tree close to where the rest of the men were staying. She dreamt of her adventure and risky journey to come. Odyssiana awoke, the men welcomed her and they didn’t think that anything was suspicious. She had fooled them. She defeated many men and won many battles. She also lost many battles. During one of the battles, the men left her behind. She had tried to stay and …show more content…

“I see destruction for ship and crew. Though you survive alone, bereft of all companions, lost for years, under strange sail shall you come home,” Tiresias prophesied. In the morning when Odyssiana woke, she realized that they were sailing near an island that people had suspected that sirens lived. She knew the terrible danger they were and prepared her crew. She gave them beeswax to cover their ears with and then she covered hers as well. Though they were tempted to listen to the song of the sirens, they sailed past them without uncovering their ears. After they had passed the sirens, they came upon another danger. Scylla and Charybdis, who were monsters in the sea. They start to sail past Scylla, but she swallows one man for each of her six heads! There are still a few of Odyssiana’s crew left, but they are discouraged knowing that they must defeat Charybdis to live. The whirlpool was too strong. Charybdis swallowed the ship whole. Luckily, Odyssiana jumped out just in time and landed into the water. She then realized that all of her crew had been drowned in the

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