Odysseus As A True Hero In Homer's Odyssey

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A hero is a person with great strength or courage. Odysseus portrays a true hero in The Odyssey. He is the true hero of this epic because he has saved his men on many occasions using his cunning behavior and vast intellect. It shows he has the courage of a true hero.

Odysseus is a hero because he used his cunning personality to save his men when they cannot save themselves. In The Odyssey, Odysseus said to Circe “Circe, if you want me to eat and drink, you must free my man and bring them to me that I may see them with my own eyes.”. This quote shows that Odysseus is a true hero because he is forcing a goddess to free his men so that she can get him to eat. Also in The Odyssey, Odysseus had also taken on the brave task of rushing Circe after she had tried to poison him in book X. This example shows that Odysseus is a hero because he had the courage to save his men by going against the goddess. It also shows that he was not afraid of the harm that he could face going against Circe as Odysseus did.
In The Odyssey, Odysseus uses the Cyclops’ weakness against himself. “ The wine had made him drunk…”, “Then, in one great thrust, we shoved the sharp end of the beam into the monster’s only eye.” This quotation shows that he used the Cyclops’ weakness of him liking the wine too much. Also in The Odyssey, Odysseus when he blinded Polyphemus he also made away him and his remaining men to escape from the cave and the grasps of the behemoth. Likewise, this example shows that Odysseus is a hero because he used his intellect to save his men from being eaten like the rest of his men that were with them when they first came to the cave. Odysseus shows the traits of a hero when he does these actions to save himself and his

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