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Characters of Odysseus
Trait leadership situations
Character of odysseus
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Leadership is when strong leaders show a group of people a clear vision of the right path to go. A leader has important qualities that make them a strong independent person. A leader tends to be open minded when it comes to listening to others ideas to help solve hard times. Being a leader does not mean someone is bossing others around and controlling everything they do. It means they offer help to others and know how to to take charge when the time is needed. In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, Odysseus is an effective leader because he knows how to be adaptive to challenges he faces in life and also caring for other in his crew. Odysseus is a strong leader because after losing his strongest men and his ship which was the only way home, Odysseus never gives up on wanting to get him and …show more content…
his men back home to Ithaca. Recently Odysseus had the option to pick between two dangerous of monsters on his way back home to his family. Scylla is monstrous sea goddess with six arms and heads, if Odysseus passes her on his way home she will eat six of his men. Charybdis is also a seas goddess who has control of a powerful whirlpool which could destroy Odysseus’ ship on his journey home. Odysseus has to learn how to pick between two hard choices and deal with the consequences of the choice: “... Scylla snatched six men from our hollow ship,/ the toughest, strongest hands I had…” (Homer XII 264-265). Odysseus the captain of the ship picks to go the path of Scylla over the path of Charybdis. Odysseus learns how to adapt with the challenges of having six less men rowing the boat back to Ithaca. The crew members cause an issue which leads the ship to Charybdis’ whirlpool and destroys the ship. Never once Odysseus gave up about going back home or letting his sad emotions get the best of him. Odysseus’ adaptive attitude helps him face hard challenges which show he is a strong leader because he does not give up easily. Odysseus shows strong leadership because he cares for his crew members before he thinks about himself.
A true leader should offer help to others before they think about doing something for themselves. Circe is a nymph who lives on the island of Aeaea who has tricked some of Odysseus’ crew members into drink a special wine that turns them into animals. One crew member that is loyal to Odysseus, Eurylochus, knows about the trap Circe has for the men then goes back to Odysseus to tell him what has happened. Odysseus wants to go save his crew members to make sure everyone is alright: “But I shot back, ‘Eurylochus, stay right here,/ eating drinking, safe by the black ship./ I must be off. Necessity drives me on’” (Homer X 299-301). Odysseus takes responsibility for the troubles that has happened to his men and goes out to save them. Before Odysseus goes out to save his men, he makes sure Eurylochus is okay and has something to eat. The crew is low on food due to recent problems they have faced, but Odysseus managed to feed the men that are loyal to die. Odysseus shows how he is a strong leader because he rather give up his necessities to his crew to make sure they are
alright. Odysseus shows great leadership because he never gave up wanting to get his crew home after fighting two sea goddesses and giving up necessities for others. Odysseus shows his crew a clear vision of the right path to go by telling the men what is best for them to do. When the crew listens to Odysseus’ ideas about which path is right to go it keeps the whole ship out of turmoil. To be a strong leader a person must a powerful attitude that encourages other to do the right thing without being bossy.
Odysseus is a weak and inadequate leader because he fails to earn the respect of his men time in and time out. Odysseus’ men attempt to steal from him and unknowingly unleash the bag of winds that was given to Odysseus by Aiolos (166, 49-550). A great leader has the respect of his men. Odysseus’ men disrespect him in this excerpt by attempting to rob Odysseus. Therefore, Odysseus is not an adequate leader since his men disrespect him by stealing from him. Also, at a later page in the book, one of his men refuse to follow Odysseus into danger and tells Odysseus, “You cannot return, I know it” (173, 293). A skillful leader has the
Would you rather have a selfless leader who will try his best to help you and keep you alive or a selfish, ignorant leader who thinks he can get whatever he wants? You would choose the selfless leader because who would want. Someone who is selfish and that exactly what Odysseus is. In Homer’s The Odyssey, there is a very bad leader, Odysseus. Odysseus does many things to make himself a bad leader. He doesn’t tell his men many things, he isn’t respectful to the gods or his wife, and he is constantly putting his men in danger just so he can go home. Odysseus is a selfish leader and only thinks about himself. Although he may have good intentions for himself by going home to see his family and the rest of his kingdom, he is a bad leader.
In that regard, it was no wonder Odysseus’s is such an atrocious leader. A great example of Odysseus being disloyal is on Calypso’s Island. “…He lay with her each night, for she compelled him.” (892) This quote shows how Odysseus is disloyal to his grieving wife, and sleeps with a goddess daily. A leader cannot expect loyalty when the leader is notorious for being unloyal. “Now Circe, ‘loveliest of all immortals,’ persuades Odysseus to stay with her.” (903) This is another quote that shows Odysseus cheating on his wife, while his wife is at home is at home distraught over her missing husband. A great leader leads by example. By that philosophy, it should not be expected of Odysseus’s men to be loyal to him, when Odysseus cannot stay faithful to his own wife. Consequently, Odysseus is also extremely selfish, on top of being incredibly
Odysseus is strong, loyal and brave. Odysseus is referred as being strong and hard working. He is the friend you'd want to call for help to finish all the tasks you need to finish. Odysseus is strong and hard-working, but above it, he is the hardest working for anyone else. Odysseus has never ordered his men to do something he won't or can't do. He manages to constantly challenge himself more than his men. Odysseus is a born leader based on all of his qualities. He isn't ruling his men around him because he wants power. Odysseus was born to become a great leader and have control and powered. He is not a lazy slacker who is bossing his servants around; instead, he is next to the building and cutting on whatever task needs to occur to complete his ship. Eurylochos could have complained about overworking and not having time to relax, but Eurylochos recognizes Odysseus work ethic and respects him for
...at he has to say. Honestly I think that Odysseus was is a great leader because, he tried his best to keep his crew safe, he never gave up on them; even if they were in a bad situation.
Odysseus is a bad leader for the traits he upheld in the book which causes him twenty years to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan war. The three traits that makes Odysseus a bad leader are being dishonest, prideful, and careless. These traits causes his men to die, him suffering, and trouble. The trait of Odysseus being dishonest is a factor of why Odysseus is a bad leader. Odysseus is meeting with Tiresias (a blind prophet) to learn his future. In the future, Odysseus will be presented with two obstacles, going through Scylla (6 headed monster) or Charybdis (a giant whirlpool). Tiresias tells Odysseus to pick the path of Scylla, his exact words were “to have passed her without loss and grief; she takes from every ship, one man for every gullet.” Tiresias is telling Odysseus to choose the path of Scylla because that path will only result in
As part of the hero profile, one would have to be determined, and Odysseus certainly was. If a hero is determined, they only have one goal in mind. To be determined, the hero goes through perils and challenges and most importantly they can never lose hope. Likewise, Odysseus has a goal: to make it home to Ithaka to see his family. Even if Odysseus faced the most life-threatening things, he wouldn't back down. "I long...trial come." (Book V, Lines 229-233). Odysseus has his mind set straight, and he won't let anyone or anything change it. Also, Odysseus never doubted himself as a leader. He had an sufficient amount of failures, yet he wouldn't put himself down and give up. For example, He neglected to take the advice from his crew member, Eurylochus. Eurylochus told Odysseus not to send men to see what was on Circe's island and because he sent them anyway, they ended up being turned into pigs. Odysseus made a mistake, but that didn't stop him from venturing on. Although Odysseus has failed as a leader, he was still determined to become better. For example, when Odysseus and his crew arrive at the land of Ismaros, he specifically tells them to not touch the sheep. Odysseus warns his crew, yet he fails to establish a connection with them. They disobey Odysseus and butcher sheep after sheep, which ...
for it." (P. 710, L. 840) Odysseus was not only a great leader, but also a very
A leader is an extraordinary individual who shows encouragement, exhibits friendly behavior, listens attentively, gives without wanting something, and has the ability to assess and initiate things single-handedly. These people make every effort to go for what is just slightly out of reach. They might not be noticed or praised for what they have done; they do it to make a positive difference in the world with or without a title.
This is false because of the many instances where he proves he is a good leader by constantly leading his men to the best of his aptitude and ultimately doing what is best for them. For example, during the Lotus Eaters it stated, ““[The Lotus-eaters] gave them [Odysseus’s crew] to eat of the lotus, which was so delicious that those who at it left off caring about home...nevertheless, though they wept bitterly I forced them back to the ships and made them fast under the benches.” (Collections Textbook, 362)The men did not want to leave the island to return home, if they had stayed they would’ve been forever trapped by constantly ingesting the plant that made them feel so wonderful. Odysseus knew it was simply the plant clouding their judgement, he knew their ultimate goal was to return home to their families and recite their stories, so he did what was best for them by forcing them on the ship. Another instance of Odysseus good leadership is during their encounter with Scylla and Charybdis when he “sent them on towards Scylla, [he] told them nothing, as they could do nothing. They would have dropped their oars again, in panic, to roll for cover.” (Green Book pg. 109, lines 783-786) In this instance Odysseus must choose the lesser of two evils, instead of all of his men dying through Charybdis, he’d rather save most of them by sailing closer to Scylla.
As Leroy Eimes once said “a leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see.” Just like the quote implies qualities of a leader go beyond that of just power. As the term “leader” is easy to define, leadership is difficult to fully implement. In Homer’s “The Odyssey,” leader Odysseus is the definition of Leroy Eimes quote - generally looking beyond certain situations when his crew members don’t. Trust over power is what contributes to the many attributes of a leader.
Leadership is all about having the right amount of heart and determination to help make a difference in someone’s life. It takes certain qualities to be considered a good leader. A leader should want to help inspire others to make a change and to be the best that they can be. A true leader does not need to feel powerful, instead they empower those around them. Throughout my life I have come across various leaders who have made an impact on my life. It takes a very special person to inspire and touch people’s lives. Leadership is so much deeper than having power and bossing people around.
A leader is described as a person who guides others and has authority and influence over others. They work to influence others into meeting certain goals. There is no right or wrong definition of a leader and there is no recipe that ensures effective leadership. Successful leaders have a good balance of vision, influence, and power. Leaders gain their authority from their ability to influence others to get the work done; because of this, anyone has the potential to be a leader. (Finkelman. 2012, p15)
What is leadership? Leadership is defined as a process by which a individual will influence others to obtain goals. Leaders will guide, direct motivate, or inspire others. Leadership is defined by not only traits but actions as well. Leaders are inspirational, trustworthy and charismatic. Many people may think a manger is leader. Although leadership and management go hand in hand, they are not the same. Everyone has their own beliefs about what characteristics an effective leader should have. To me, communication skills, critical thinking skills, and having a vision are few characteristics of becoming an effective leader. A leader is not only born, but made. Some are born as leaders or some are made to be leaders.
Many people believe that leadership is simply being the first, biggest or most powerful. Leadership in organizations has a different and more meaningful definition. A leader is someone who sets direction in an effort or task and influences or motivates people to follow that direction. The power point presentation explains leadership is the influence that particular individuals exert on the goal achievement of others in an organizational context.