Odysseus And Katniss Everdeen Comparison

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Most are familiar with the great and perilous journey the clever Odysseus undertook after conquering the Trojans in the Trojan War. Although his legacy was passed down orally by many generations, the Greek poet Homer eventually gathered all the stories and compiled them into a single epic poem of Odysseus' adventures; this poem is known today as The Odyssey. The story begins after the Greeks ingeniously fool the Trojans into taking them into their city and as a result, emerge victorious from the prolonged war. Odysseus begins the road back to his family and home in Ithaca, expecting it to only take a few years. However, he comes across various obstacles such as monsters and temptations that hinder and extend his absence from Ithaca to two …show more content…

While trapped in Polyphemus the Cyclops' cave with the monster mercilessly devouring his men, Odysseus develops a plan involving a "chopped out... six foot section of this pole / ...hewed again / to make a stake with pointed end," (Homer 271-275); Odysseus and his men were to "thrust / and grind that spike in Cyclop's eye, when [in] mild sleep..." (Homer 280-282). Despite accidentally coming across the inhospitable and murderous monster, Odysseus manages to remain calm and confident, devising a risky yet clever plan to escape the cave. However, his scheme involves an extremely challenging feat – skewering the eye of Polyphemus; managing to trick the monster by drifting it off to sleep, stabbing its eye, then avoiding its terrible reactions requires an enormous amount of bravery and courageousness to complete. Similar to Odysseus, the heroic Katniss Everdeen faces her own horrific obstacle – mutts with disturbing human-like abilities that resemble large wolves – but manages to "shoot my arrow down the throat of the first mutt that places its paws on the metal" (Collins 332) and drive Cato, her enemy, into the herd of creatures to be torn apart (Collins 336). At the Cornucopia, Katniss is confronted with horrifying, Gamemaker-made mutations, yet she is still able to cope with her fear and remain brave for both her and her lover, Peeta. With some quick and clever thinking, Katniss then shoots Cato, tumbling him over the top of the cornucopia to distract the mutts waiting at the bottom while at the same time entertaining the sadistic audience. Despite being faced with terrible obstacles, both Odysseus and Katniss Everdeen maintain their cool and develop quick-witted solutions to withstand their

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