Oda Nobunaga Research Paper

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Biographies - 3rd May Oda Nobunaga Oda Nobunaga was a daimyo who ruled over Honshu, the main island of Japan. He was born in the 1530s, and was given the nickname, in his childhood, of “Owari no Ōutsuke”, or “The Big Fool of Owari.” His father Oda Nobuhide died when Nobunaga was in his 20s, and was reputed, at the funeral, to throw incense at the altar. Nobunaga’s superiors were convinced of his lack of discipline from his behaviour at the funeral, and began to support Nobunaga’s brother, Nobuyuki. Nobunaga helped assassinate one of his uncles, with the help of Nobunaga’s younger uncle. This helped form Nobunaga as a dangerous political figure, and soon he was attacked by his brother Nobuyuki. His brother failed and was defeated at the …show more content…

Toyotomi Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi, born in either 1536 or 1537, was a powerful daimyo, kampaku and samurai who put a stop to the Warring States period. Hideyoshi was born in the Owari Province in the late 1530s. He was the son of a peasant-ashigaru and had no surname. After joining and serving multiple clans, he returned to the Owari Province in approx. 1557, where he joined the Oda clan as a servant to Oda Nobunaga. He soon became a sandal-bearer to Nobunaga. Hideyoshi soon became a general to Nobunaga due to his skill as a negotiator. Hideyoshi captured two fortresses from the Azai and Asakura clans, which led Nobunaga to select Toyotomi as a daimyo of a district in the northern part of the Ōmi Province. After Oda Nobunaga’s assassination at the Siege of Kyoto, there was a meeting to decide Nobunaga’s successor. Hideyoshi supported Oda Nobunaga’s grandson, Oda Hidenobu. Although he was only 2 years old at the time, Hideyoshi established Hidenobu’s position as ruler of the Oda clan. The candidate expected to success Oda Nobunaga, Shibata Katsuie, was angry at Hideyoshi’s lack of support, however Katusie’s army was destroyed at the Battle of Shizugatake the following

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