Octavia Butler Bloodchild Summary

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In “Bloodchild” Octavia Butler creates a world where humans live cohesively with an alien species where humans are not the dominant creatures. Butler masterfully crafts her new world in such a way that it keeps readers confused yet hungry to figure out how it came to be. The author uses in-depth descriptions, strong pacing, compelling perspective, and revealing character dialogue to make the situation seem relatable and human when the planet and creatures are alien and act strangely compared to what the reader is accustomed to.
When readers enter the peculiar world of “Bloodchild” they are exposed to gruesome descriptions of a “birthing” process that includes cutting open a man to remove live maggots from his flesh. The descriptions change …show more content…

At the beginning of the story the reader follows Gan’s thoughts and confusion toward his family members and their distrust of T’Gatoi. The idea of distrust is shown when Gan’s mother laid with T’Gatoi, “T’Gatoi’s limbs closed around her, holding her loosely, but securely. I had always found it comfortable to lie that way, but no one else in the family liked it,” (Butler 6). This establishes Gan’s opinions of the Tlic and how they are not affected by his family’s apprehension. Although, Gan’s opinions are challenged when he witnesses the gory and traumatizing experience that is the birthing process of the Tlic. Gan first starts to doubt the love he feels for T’Gatoi when he holds down Bram and thinks, “I felt as though I were helping her torture him, helping her consume him,” (Butler 15). By introducing this doubt to the protagonist the reader also starts to doubt the intentions of T’Gatoi and the species of the Tlic. This makes Gan vulnerable to criticism that he would have normally dismissed, which is shown when Gan confronts his brother. “‘To provide the next generation of host animals,’ he said, ‘It’s more than that!’ I countered. Was it?” (Butler 21). The readers’ and Gan’s trust for T’Gatoi and the Tlic slowly deteriorates because of how quickly love could change into apprehension and confusion. While the perspective can show the reader how someone could change within a short amount of time the dialogue shows how Tlic and humans interact within this new

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