Obsession In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Sometimes people just become so obsessed with something that it drives them crazy until it overtakes their life. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare, Oberon, Helena and Titania all became drowned in an obsession. They had an obsession too. One was obsessed with getting something from another, one wanted the unconditional love of someone that did not love them, and another wanted to keep their love pampered with all the things in the world. Consequently, once they had finally gotten whatever it was they wanted, they realized how empty and meaningless life began to feel after.
Oberon wanted only one thing, and seemingly all of his purpose revolved around forcefully getting the little Indian boy from his wife, Titania. He was speaking to her in the woods after their paths crossed unintentionally. He was confused as to why she would not simply give him what he wanted. He said, “Why would Titania want to argue with her Oberon? All I am asking for is to have that little human boy as part of my crew” (Shakespeare 2.1.2. 41-41). An old friend of hers died giving birth to him and Titania swore to care for him accordingly. Oberon simply wanted the boy for himself, but she …show more content…

She planned to tell Demetrius of the duo’s exploits to earn some of his attention, despite the fact that Hermia was her friend. “He will run after her. If he is grateful to me for this information, it will be worth my pain in helping him pursue my rival Hermia” (1.1.3. 21-21)She loved him so much, she would even rat out her friend to get his approval. Once she had his love, she felt like she had all that she wanted and, therefore, she felt like she had nothing else to pursue. Like she had no

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