Oak Island's Mysterious Money Pit Summary

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A summarized article was written by David Mac Donald about the Oak Island’s Mysterious “Money Pit”. The aim of this text is to provide information’s to people about the oak Island’s Mysterious “Money Pit” and about the treasure hunters and associations efforts or works done to find out what lies at the bottom of the mysterious shaft called. This review critically reviews his article. The review will first summarize the article. Secondly, the review will critique the article, evaluating its authority, currency, accuracy, objectivity and coverage. At last there will be a conclusion. The purpose of this article or text is to talk about the Oak Island’s “Mysterious Pit” and attempts of different people to reach the bottom of the “Money Pit”. …show more content…

Treasure hunters started their work to find what lies at the bottom of the Mysterious money Pit since 1795 not long after pirates stalked the Atlantic Coast. Many Treasure hunters poured about $1,500,000 into the Money Pit and have taken little out. Some Gold chain and ancient parchment. However, still no one has reached their goal. Still its not known that the money pit has been protected by a clever system of manmade tunnels and up to this day no one has found that who dug the pit and the reason for dugging. There are folklores that makes the pit hiding that is the captain kidd who was a plunder and Blackbeard and henry Morgan. The long searchers began 170 years ago by Danniel McInnes a 16 yer old boy from the state of Chester nova Scotia. He was there for hunt a game and he has heard about the folklores about the buried treasure. He tried with his friends Tony Vougn and jack Smith and they digged and found oak logs. As they diiged harder they wanted help but people don’t go there as bevause of a folklore about ghosts of two fishermen’s. So they gave up for momentand some other like nova Scotian also joined in 1804. They also uncovered lyers f coconut fiber. But when they came I the morning that ws filled with waterand they believed that it was due to underground

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