O. J. Simpson Trial: American Justice System

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O.J. Simpson Trial The O.J. Simpson trial is an important case to look back on because it changed the way people look at the American justice system. It transformed our legal system, racial views, and social history. This trial’s opening statements took place in January 24, 1995. O.J. was tried for the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. The jury had an overwhelming numbers of blacks who thought he was innocent while the whites in the jury said he was guilty. This case quickly turned into what people called the trial of the century.(PBS) Orenthal James Simpson, also known as O.J. Simpson, was born on July 9,1947, in San Francisco, California. O.J. lived a rather rough life. He had the rickets at the age 2, his parents were divorced, and his early years were rough. O.J. was also involved in a gang at age 13. Although he lived a very troubled life he was an exceptionally good football player. He started off at Galileo High School. His grades were so poor no one originally thought he could …show more content…

Simpson and he was taken to court and tried on the count of two murders. The evidence piled up against him, but this trial became more than a murder trial it became a race issue as well. The defendants said that some evidence was planted by racist police to frame Simpson. The police found samples of O.J.’s blood at the rime, size 12 footprints from rare Italian shoes left at the scene, the same pair O.J. had, hairs and fibers also found at crime scene, and a glove was found at the scene that had his DNA on it and the other matching glove was found behind his guest house(Gannet). This was just some of the evidence linking him back to the crime all which the defendants said were planted and DNA was sloppily handled and they cannot be sure. This trial was the most publicized event in history. It was so much more than if O.J. murdered them or not it was becoming a race problem with the American people and changing the criminal justice system

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