O Brother Where Art Thou Odysseus Comparison

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The Odyssey and O’ Brother Where art thou, what makes them similar? On one hand, the Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poem that was passed on from generation to generation, and on the other one O’ Brother where art thou was a period piece based set in the 1930s but made in the 2000s. What makes them similar is that writers for O’ Brother Where Art Thou based the movie lightly on the Odyssey. There are multiple Characters in the movie that are very similar to characters in the Odyssey, and they will be listed in this paper. Odysseus and Everett Ulysses, even from being in different stories they are very much alike. The names of them sound similar, Odysseus and Everetts middle name, Ulysses. Both men want to go back home to see their families. One of the main differences in those two characters is that Odysseus was never second-guessed and asked why he was the leader. Unlike Everett where the 2 men he was on an adventure with didn't understand why he was or didn't want Everett to be the leader. Odysseus also had a faithful wife Penelope and a son Telemachus. Everett had an unfaithful wife penny and 6 …show more content…

Penelope and Penny really don't have anything in common except they're both the love interest of the Protagonist. Penelope was a faithful wife. Many men wanted to marry her. there were hundreds of men to wed her, but she still waited for Odysseus on his 20-year journey home. Penny was the complete opposite. Instead of actually telling her 6 daughters where their father is she told them that he got hit by a train. The movie doesn't tell us how long Everett was locked up in prison, but from how old his children are it could've been more than 5 years. Penny was over Everett and was going to marry someone else. That's the entire conflict that started the movie. Penny also made Everett go on an adventure again just so he could find her wedding

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