Leadership practice based on behavioral disciplines, theories, concepts, theoretical knowledge, and evidence will be effective and comprehensive. An effective leader maximizes the talents of team members and lead team to success. A good leader seeks participation and consultation from group members in decision making and problem solving. A competent leader always stands for the improvement in the quality of care, working environment, and advocating for the changes that promote physical, psychological, and social well-being. Transformational leaders have a stronger focus on intellectual stimulation, emphasize enhancing employees’ innovation and creativity, and focus on organizational development. They are more effective in a dynamic environment, …show more content…
Creating a trusting relationship between the leader and coworkers promotes a positive work environment. Its development produces effective communication and proper understanding, a channel for expression of positive and negative feelings, and supports and promotes smooth transition of care. I had a dictating nursing manager, while I was at VA hospital. His behaviors and style of leadership lead an increased staff turnover, forty seven nurses resigned in two years, including myself. Therapeutic relationships help in the provision of a supportive, protective, and corrective mental, physical, social, cultural, and spiritual environment. The caring behaviors, technical competency, knowledge, and skills of the leader positively influence the cohesiveness of the team. Jean Watson’s human caring theory enables leaders to be practical and to be experts in caring relationships and encounters. Watson’s theory helps leaders to concentrate on human relationships, the caring environment, and on caring-healing processes to preserve the human caring processes, interpersonal relationships, and caring moments to guide practices and bring fruitful …show more content…
A unique way of thinking, commitment, ethics-based performance, motivation, positive attitudes, competence, conflict-management skills, and proper communication make a leader acceptable and effective. Balancing business and compassion, based on ethics, helps to achieve goals and objectives efficiently. Creating the foundation for an environment that fosters moral courage encourages clear understanding of the organizational mission, vision, and values, as well as the philosophy of the nursing. Shared governance promotes collaborative decision making and shared responsibility; it empowers nurses to act with moral courage by taking ownership of their practice at the point of
A person 's ethical beliefs are shaped by their religion, culture, family values, and life experiences. It is imperative for nurse leaders to go beyond examining their own ethical and moral beliefs. They must educate themselves on concepts, theories, and frameworks to effectively deal with ethical dilemmas, questions of morality, and legal issues. This is important not only for their own well-being but also because they are role models for all staff within their organization.
Leadership at times can be a complex topic to delve into and may appear to be a simple and graspable concept for a certain few. Leadership skills are not simply acquired through position, seniority, pay scale, or the amount of titles an individual holds but is a characteristic acquired or is an innate trait for the fortunate few who possess it. Leadership can be misconstrued with management; a manager “manages” the daily operations of a company’s work while a leader envisions, influences, and empowers the individuals around them.
During the interview, I was able to define the nurse leader’s qualities and leadership style. The leader possesses a vast amount of knowledge and skill base that she has attained through an assortment of evidence-based research findings and career competencies in becoming an effective leader. Initially, the nurse leader’s leadership style was centered on that of the transactional leader, which she identified in using the SWOT analysis Marquis and Huston (2012) noted that the old-style manager is more concerned with the “day-to-day” operations that the leader began learning in her early manager roles that were identified in the interview with the leader. The leader utilized the SWOT analysis to determine her strengths and weakness. Valkov (2010) denoted that the model is theoretically clear, easy to apply, “economical” and sound, which makes it ideal for managers to utilize. Learn (2013) identifies the use of a SWOT analysis in a personal perspective that assist in developing professional goals by reviewing individual
Giltinane (2013) identifies three leadership styles. The first is transactional leadership in which a leader is controlling and functions in a reward and punishment environment. In transactional leadership style, leaders give little room for employees to express ingenuity. Decisions are passed laterally from top down and the form of leadership is to stress obedience rather than loyalty. Transactional leadership is closely related to autocratic style (Giltinane, 2013).
LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES The ability to promote structure, safety, and positive environments for both patients and colleagues alike are unique characteristics of quality leadership. Those same traits are essential to possessing a cohesive, interdisciplinary team of healthcare providers. There are various strategies that a nurse can employ to foster the collaboration of a particular team. The most influential strategy is the use of active communication, more specifically assertive communication.
In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) “Nursing leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes but also positively influences teams and individual nurses” (Malloy & Penprase, 2010.) Let’s explore two different leadership styles and discuss how they can enhance or diminish the nursing process.
Berman, A. J and Burke, K. (2000), looked at nursing ethics as an integral part of nursing, that has t has to do with moral principles and values that guide nurses to make decisions and choices that lead to quality and effective client care. In providing nursing care, nurses find themselves in situations where sensitive decisions are made about the best way to treat illness and solve healthcare problems. Values influence decisions and actions and value clarification promote quality decisions by fostering awareness,
I believe that leadership is not something that you are born with, but that has to be learned over time. You learn to become a leader from watching other leaders, and also from personal experience. People should become leaders; so that they can help others do their best. They should not become leaders for the title and power that may come with leadership. Being a leader does not mean you get to boss people around by telling them what to do. The purpose of a leader is to guide others by encouraging, showing them the way, and by challenging them to do the best that they can do. I learned leadership through personal experience. In high school I played sports and had many class projects to do. My senior year was the first time my school had a soccer program, and I along with two other girls was captains. As we all know, when a group of girls come together, the drama comes too. All three of the captains had to work together and show the girls that if we wanted this program to be a success and grow, they had to work together as well. It was hard at first, but when we encouraged everyone, it worked out better than expected in the end. Also, in my business class, we had a lot of projects that were mostly group projects. During the end of the year, we had a project where we had to make up a new product. My partner and I were both seniors and it was a stressful time with finals, SAT scores, graduation, and trying to become honor graduates. We were tired and just did not want to do another project, but our teacher, Mr. Brace, did not give up on us. He showed us what to do, and encouraged us constantly every day. He would tell us many positive things and would check up on us. He was a great teacher and a great leader. Leadership may be one wo...
Ethics & Issues in Contemporary Nursing (4th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. LaSala, C. A., & Bjarnason, D. (2010, September). Creating Workplace Environments that Support Moral Courage. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol152010/No3-Sept-2010/Workplace-Environments-and-Moral-Courage.html.
Leadership is all about having the right amount of heart and determination to help make a difference in someone’s life. It takes certain qualities to be considered a good leader. A leader should want to help inspire others to make a change and to be the best that they can be. A true leader does not need to feel powerful, instead they empower those around them. Throughout my life I have come across various leaders who have made an impact on my life. It takes a very special person to inspire and touch people’s lives. Leadership is so much deeper than having power and bossing people around.
They care and nurture patients back to health so they can develop and perform as highly as possible. Nurses must be willing to take the time to listen carefully to other staff members and patients for mutual respect and trust to evolve. Nursing leaders influence and motivate subordinates by building relationships and further developing the practice skills of individual team members. A Servant Leader makes sure the needs of the individual team members are addressed and any conflicts are dealt in way that enhances professional competency among nurses. Recognition that servant leadership advocates a more group-oriented approach to analysis and decision making helps to strengthen the organization and improve the healthcare community (Murphy,
According to Yoder-Wise (2015), a leader can be defined as, “an individual who works with others to develop a clear vision of the preferred future and to make that vision happen” (p 35). As employees, we often have our own ideal of a good leader, which may be influenced by experiences and perception of workplace norms. While one’s opinion of an effective leader may vary, there are several recognized leadership theories. The following will focus on the transformational leadership approach.
Leadership is about organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal (Prieto, 2012). Written below examples of effective communication, team working, delegation, management, planning and organisational skills I have utilized in my placement area:
In today’s society, leadership is a common yet useful trait used in every aspect of life and how we use this trait depends on our role. What defines leadership is when someone has the capability to lead an organization or a group of people. There are many examples that display a great sense of leadership such being an educator in health, a parent to their child, or even a nurse. In the medical field, leadership is highly used among nurses, doctors, nurse managers, director of nursing, and even the vice president of patient care services. Among the many positions in the nursing field, one who is a nurse manager shows great leadership. The reason why nurse manager plays an important role in patient care is because it is known to be the most difficult position. As a nurse manager, one must deal with many patient care issues, relationships with medical staff, staff concerns, supplies, as well as maintaining work-life balance. Also, a nurse manager represents leadership by being accountable for the many responsibilities he or she holds. Furthermore, this position is a collaborative yet vital role because they provide the connection between nursing staff and higher level superiors, as well as giving direction and organization to accomplish tasks and goals. In addition, nurse managers provide nurse-patient ratios and the amount of workload nursing staff has. It is their responsibility to make sure that nursing staff is productive and well balanced between their work and personal lives.
Ethics is defined as moral principles that govern a persons or a group’s behavior, ethical principles apply to both personal and professional relationships (Webster, 2015). The field of nursing is a profession that has been highly regarded and respected in society. Most nurses enter the profession in order to utilize their clinical skills to help others in their time of need. Those in failing health rely on nurses to care for them in their most vulnerable states, and expect a level of compassion and humanity while receiving care. Nurses have an ethical responsibility to their patients, clients, and their community. Compassion, empathy, and integrity are staple characteristics that nurses possess that allow them to successfully perform their